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Post Info TOPIC: Run Reports...........are they losing interest????


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Run Reports...........are they losing interest????

Being someone who has posted many ride reports, which generally take a reasonable amount of time and effort - including uploading of photos - I cannot help but see the general feedback on this has plummeted in the last 12 months or so.
About a year ago maybe I would average 18+ replies to my reports and they act as good motivation and encouragement for me keep on doing them. In the last 6 months the number of replies has dwindled to just 2 or 3, and at that stage you think 'whats the point' - I may as well email the people that ride with me the pictures, as that seems to be all that's interested.

It isnt just me that thinks this well and I know Geoff spends many many hours reviewing all his videos, editing, adding music and then uploading them. I know many new folk who have seen these either on here or via YouTube and been drawn towards TRF membership.

So have run reports run their course???
Are videos watched, enjoyed or are they boring now???
Do people watch, enjoy but just forget to leave a few comments or feedback??? 
If it is the latter I do encourage you to feedback as it makes a difference to those who spend the time doing them - you make a difference.

And (luckily) I know it isnt just my reports, as looking at the general trend its dwindled right across the board in most cases.

So certainly from mine and Geoffs perspective please leave the feedback if you enjoy what you see. That way we'll be more than happy to keep 'em coming.

And for those few that leave the regular feedback (eg Wacky, Brownie etc) then cheers and much appreciated.


(who needs some love right now wink)    


I feel the need..........



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Mark please keep them coming, I for one enjoy reading

I have had a go at writing a couple,  and know it can be quite time consuming.

Keep up the good work!!

Oh by the way, would'nt mind coming on one of your runs when you have room. Have'nt done any lanes down your way.........

-- Edited by Tigerman on Friday 8th of October 2010 08:40:32 PM


Adventure before dementia. KTM 500 exc >Devon TRF Member.     

Clubman B

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I too read them and think they're great, s too are Geoff's vids. I hold my hand up and apologise for not commenting on them. This is mainly because I'm afraid of sounding repetitive and copying the other very accurate comments! ashamed.gif 'Note to self - must try harder' smile

-- Edited by Shaggy on Friday 8th of October 2010 08:46:35 PM


Its easier to get forgiveness than permission!

Devon's Best

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I was happy with the response to my Round Dartmoor report.I felt the lack of video and pictures made the written word poorer by comparison,but a video was posted by another on the Runs/Rideouts thread and added to the experience.
I feel that words paint a better picture more quickly than any video or pictures ever could.I have not yet watched the videos posted on your report,but would have had time to read a few words.
Just posting a video isn't enough no matter how well edited.I am looking forward to watching the three clips posted recently but havn't found time yet,no report posted alongside means no background against which to place the audio visual experience.
I recognise the lanes you use because I have ridden them but most wouldn't know if they had ridden them themselves unless given lane numders to relate the video film to.
As you say there are a number of people who have been drawn to join in by seeing reports posted following runs and thinking I'll have some of that which must be a good thing.
Another thing,it is not the quantity but the quality that matters regarding the responses.
If only one person enjoys reading about a ride,whether they were on the ride or not then it was worthwhile,there were more replies from non participants in the Dartmoor run than riders present on the day.Keep on telling the world what you have been up to because it inspires and motivates others,there are ten times as many read as respond!



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love to read the run reports

my mikeymouse broadband is so slow it takes forever to watch vids.... preferr stills, and color correction on my screen fot kwakkers bike is horrible... seems to have gone a most orrible rustypinly colour!!

bit like the inside of my old plaster cast!!

me too  like pete mate inspired.... but I am just too old and slow to keep up with you riding gods on my little pop pop
, so tag along with the slowbees whenever... and not that often as i would like!!

-- Edited by Torr on Friday 8th of October 2010 08:55:13 PM



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Hey did you say something biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

yeah it all goes in circles mate, run reports have dwindled and replies to them also but many people thing its harsh on the run leader to

lead a ride
plan a ride
report the ride
take pictures on the ride
do the user evidence form aswell

i now put some of mine in the newsletter where the audience dont reply at all.
that way i can take the mick without the backlash biggrinbiggrin

Whats the answer to your question, keep em coming and mix the writing with more pics and micky taking as much as possible, you know the devon trf way biggrin

keep going marco people look even if they dont reply, even brownie peeks in biggrinbiggrin


'He who dares wins'

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Devon's Best

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Im the same as torr, My internet cant load geoffs HD vids :/ But i read all reports that get posted, really find them intresting, will make sure to comment in future! smile.gif




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Mark, I understand what you are saying. 

The only trouble I have with it, for example... You have never left feedback on one of my reports, And I know they lack photos at times but I always take the time to post.

Should I also stop because I dont get 18+ replys.

I do it because it pleases me, and if anyone else reads it all the better.biggrin

Sending love if you need it biggrin



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Got to say I'm with Wheely. It takes bloody ages to write and post a run report, loads of time to try and make it "interesting" and "amusing" and then no bugger says a word - what's the point and I must be honest, I don't think I've posted a run report in about 6 months!

Then again, maybe a lot of people are like me and I only really read the reports of runs I've been on - re-living them as it were.

Thing is Mark, people DO read them (peeps have commented to me at the meets about your run reports) and enjoy them so while I'm a miserable old gimly who can't be arsed, you are a young and talented writer of reports who's efforts are much appreciated.

I promise I'll try and read yours and make disparaging comments about all your riding skills, choice of bikes and general demeanor.

I have a hacksaw, welder and a grinder, and I'm not afraid to regret using them!


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There me trying as ever to be contravercial without offending anyone.... and someone goes and aggrees with me!...

I will be a clubman B forever at this rate!!!!



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Your posting today Xrtipe was one of the best "run reports" ever.................

hows the porridge and jelly going down????



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Paul Farrow wrote:

Mark, I understand what you are saying. 

The only trouble I have with it, for example... You have never left feedback on one of my reports, And I know they lack photos at times but I always take the time to post.

Should I also stop because I dont get 18+ replies.

I do it because it pleases me, and if anyone else reads it all the better.biggrin

Sending love if you need it biggrin

This is a popular reason for not posting replies to other ride reports

Human nature is a funny thing 'i wont post on his/her ride report simply coz they didn't on mine' just a simple observation on ride reports no implication on anyone particular at all.

look back into the archives ans see some past run reports and replies, there is some awesome ones in there, and also its a good reference to when you rode, i looked at one i did with 'TTr and big jim in n.devon and couldn't believe it was that long ago smile

Lets start to revive and encourage all ride reports and try to experience what other people have done in their ride outs wink
bring it on biggrinbiggrin 



'He who dares wins'

trf member ;-)  qy100112bw

Devon's Best

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I completely agree with you Mark. I remember 12+ months ago that there were loads of reports on here and some great vids, but am also guilty of always watching Geoffs vids and looking at your report/pics which are always fantastic but never comment when I should do really, perhaps when you were caught out dancing in Wales put me offwinkwink

I always try to do some form of amusing report on my runs and usually it's only the guys who've ridden that make comment, I've noticed.

The run reports have def dried up, as well as the comments.


Culmstock area - Devon TRF Group member - KTM 690 Enduro

Clubman B

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I think run reports are great - who was it said after 2nd Oct and Pete's clockwise dartmoor run "felt like I was there with you"?

I'm happy to write a run report if I'm invited to do so - I shy away as i don't know the lane numbers and got a mild chiding once for doing so and saying the name of that great lane called Houndtor Wood  (buggar done it again). 

if someone will fill in the correct numbers  ie 092 -007 that would be great - especially as proof of use of specific lanes is, as i understand, a corner stone of keeping the lanes open to the enjoyment of all members of the TRF.

I love to write accurate and engaging descriptive prose.  Then again..."Bunga Louie Lee, it wasn't much to say, but it passed the time away"

Ted Sighes - Poet Muddyat


Clubman B

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i enjoy the run reports and geoffs great vids, keep em coming please!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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I read 'em all and love every one - pics, videos or just plain text!

Please carry on posting 'em up folks.

I am guilty of not commenting so much these days purely through not wanting to be repetitive but, seriously, they are usually "Great reports" or "Great reports and pics" biggrin

I occasionally do a search that might bring up an old run report and, I agree with Wacky, it is nice to take 5 minutes out to relive the day although they do seem a long time ago wink


Exeter area - Devon TRF Group member - THE forum for TTR250 owners

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Fair point Mark, as one of the guilty who read and enjoy your ride reports & video's, but doesn't comment, I would say for me your efforts do not go unappreciated, my only reason for saying nothing is repetition, but in answer to your original question are they losing interest I would say no, as 163 people viewed your last post and I would suggest a few of those enjoyed it so much they read it more than once, so please keep em coming.

-- Edited by Clayton on Friday 8th of October 2010 09:36:44 PM


 Not Everyone Can Wear Orange. 


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I'm guilty - I used to leave feedback on 99% if not all run reports but hardly do now.  No particular reason why, I just tend to dip in and out of the forum much quicker now and tend to read less.   I hardly ever used to watch video clips though to be honest, I just didn't find 5 minutes of lane/helmet cam footage that interesting, but that's just me.



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Mark, just keep an eye out on the views your thread has had, just because there no so many replies does not mean your report has not been read. Keep up the good work.


Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!


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mark, you attention seeking ****.biggrin

i always have a peek as wacky says and if i have time i will add a comment, witty if possible
i haven't been out much lately due to the family commitments but i still read the reports on here and watch the vids, (i taught geoff all he knows by the way)

your pics are the best and your gr8 company!!!(please don't sell ya bike)

seriously thou, keep em coming m8!




Devon's Best

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Wheely its just the normal run of these things dude.

DTRFG has had a fantastic summer of events and the activity on the forum has been manic, but these things do peak and dip from time to time as does all group input, despite still having to do the NL and admin stuff it is kinda nice to take breather for me.

Its a funny time of year for the group, agm is approching along with renewals and there wont be many more runs with just thin gloves and waterproof over jackets, its time to dig out the cold weather gear... great!

The Austin Vince night is coming up which is bound to kick off some extra enthusiasm and give us all a chance to meet up for a pint etc... 

So keep the faith Bro and keep yer run repoorts coming, i know those who dont do pooters or forums love to see em in the newsletter, and what would Trail mag be without DTRFG?




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I for one am guilty.

I always read your reports Mark as they normally have either good piccies or video, or both. I tend not to read the wordy reports on here, or skip over to find the piccies - but then that's just me. I'm too impatiently to read big chunks of text smile.gif

I haven't been posting on peoples run reports because I think I've been stepping back from the keyboard a little recently.
Just got more busy with stuff I think.

I haven't even posted up a run report from the one I lead last week. I got as far as uploading the piccies but then work & stuff took over.
I'll get around to doing it sooner or later.

I must note though that there has been a distinct lack or reports recently.

I have two theories about that.

Either people are not riding that much - unlikely
People cannot be bothered to post up reports - more likely.

Also some rides are not organised via the ride outs section of this forum but I think the run report from these should still be shared as it give other people ideas about where to ride or just encourages them to get out.

I've now decided that for my next ride I will delegate the responsibility of the ride report - to all of you!
Be warned if you sign up to it! biggrinwink



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RichT4 wrote:

Also some rides are not organised via the ride outs section of this forum but I think the run report from these should still be shared as it give other people ideas about where to ride or just encourages them to get out.

I agree Rich but, sadly, that is a minority view it appears cry

The upside is that it saves having to put in the effort coz there is no doubt that it takes a while (for me at least) to organise some thoughts and pics to share. I can understand a frustration if, after having made the effort to post a report, there is no response.......


Exeter area - Devon TRF Group member - THE forum for TTR250 owners

Devon's Best

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Just my view:

Keep doing them Mark as the majority on here like to see people out and about even if they haven't been able to ride themselves, for whatever reason.

I too have done a few reports even though I haven't led a ride - personally I think it's only fair that the run leader has already done enough to plan and execute the ride so shouldn't have the added toil of compiling a report and uploading/inserting pictures with suitable comments.yawn
If I go on a ride with any of you I am more than happy to do the pics and report if someone relates the lane numbers (if needed) to me - but it will be my view of events rather than the run leaders (I see more crashes from the TEC viewpoint)wink

I agree it is VERY frustrating when a few people respond with only a few words like "great report mate". I would be happier if people took the pi$$ about dodgy pictures/riding ability or sartorial elegance - forgive me if this hurts, but nowadays we just don't get the ribbing in reports (or even on the forum) that we used to.

For comparison have a look at some of the old ride reports where TJ featured - like him or loathe him, we had a right laugh back then and I for one will treasure the memories of those rides and the laughter that flowed throughout, and afterwards. Okay, he went a bit Idi Amin at the end but when things were 100% legal it was still funny - and you struggled to get on a run as they were so popular. I think not because anyone was doing anything wrong, just that there was a sense of fun and nobody was immune from having the Michael well and truly ripped out of them.

I would prefer to look at a report with pictures rather than video. And I HATE having music over the vid - leave it to just engine note and even commentary or laughter, as I'm sure there is somehmm

No point having a forum and everryone agreeing now, is there?wink

Caution - the poster may well have been drinking........

Devon's Best

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Re;"delegate the responsibility of the ride report "

What a good idea!

All a run needs is
a leader
a cameraman
a run reporter
a run record sheet provider
a tec

these ought to be different people unless you are paying for guided trail riding,
otherwise,those who can't be bothered are taking unfair advantage.



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agree with most of what ming has said, having a laugh and a joke is what its all about really and i do try and bring a little humour and general p taking to my rides, at my expense as well.

most of the rides i have been on have all had good natured banter so i don't think that is an issue as such,

the other point i would like to add is that unless the run leader asks otherwise i will wait til he has done a report before adding my reply out of courtesy, not wanting to be seen as taking over, if you get my drift!
so if you run leaders(me included) want someone else to do a report then just ask.

a actually thought about asking rich on our last ride if he wanted me to do a report but didn't want to sound condescending.




Devon's Best

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brownie wrote:

a actually thought about asking rich on our last ride if he wanted me to do a report but didn't want to sound condescending.

You just can't resist in taking over at the helm!! Can't just send you a route, you've just got to change itwinkwink


Culmstock area - Devon TRF Group member - KTM 690 Enduro


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Run reports are the most entertaining items on here.  Even without photos (eg Pete's the other day) they are excellent.  Let's keep 'em coming folks.



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Cheers for all the positive comments above guys, your feedback makes a difference and its clear to see that I am not the only one who had noticed this issue.

I think from this post we can say/learn :

1. We all like ride reports and we need to keep them coming.

2. We need feedback - a simple 'great report/pic/vids' is often enough, but a bit of banter can promote further fun and more response.

3. I will try and incorporate pics as well as Geoffs videos. This will allow the slow internet boyz to see the run if they cant download the vids easily. Vids are great and we'll keep 'em and they give a real flowing/realistic feeling of laning. But pics are somewhat different and you get that action snapshot that allows you to create your own thoughts of the scene, the action and the fun.

4. I have been guilty of not replying to some of the other run reports and will make an effort to do so in future. I have do admit that the text-only run reports dont get fully read by me and I do need a pic or a video to keep my interest up.

5. A run report does not necessarily need to be done by run leader if he's happy to delegate this. I personally will probs keep 'em coming (as long I get feedback smile) and Geoff will append the vids.

6. You guys are great and supportive - long may it continue.


I feel the need..........




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Pete wrote:

Re;"delegate the responsibility of the ride report "

What a good idea!

All a run needs is
a leader
a cameraman
a run reporter
a run record sheet provider
a tec

these ought to be different people unless you are paying for guided trail riding,
otherwise,those who can't be bothered are taking unfair advantage.

MMMmmm - totally agree, whats a guided day cost £90 with own bike?

Would be nice to have the load shared and have tried to 'delegate' but to no avail and hence for me both the reports and 'advertised runs' have dried up a bit hmm I don't do them now due to the workload as a run leader - have great deal of respect for those that do and really enjoy reading them smile

Keep it up Wheely - I read them, enjoy the pics very much, but don't comment as I don't know you and hence don't feel 'able' to - respect mate.....



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Funny you wrote about this Mr Wheely, I was talking about this very thing today whilst we were having a break on a little ride out.

I for one, do like reading the reports and enjoy watching Geoff's and Brownie's vids.
(Although Geoff has much better taste in music than Brownie)

As for replying to the post's, same as the other excuses really - don't want to appear to be repetitive!

I read and watch all the reports in work, whilst the boss isnt about smile.gif if there are no reports, I would have to work!!

Please keep posting smile.gif

Devon TRF - East Devon

Clubman B

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As a relatively new user of the forum and to green laning, I spend hours on here reading reports, looking at the photos and watching the videos. It gives a good insight to the many Devon lanes that I have yet to experience. I do not always reply to these reports or comment on some of the discussions, as I do not know the people involved and I do want to appear too forward or be taken the wrong way by another member whom I do not know or does not know me.
The DTRF forum is the reason that I joined the Devon group, it shows what an active and well supported group it is. I hope people will continue to post as many reports, discussions and other postings as possible to keep the forum alive and interesting.




It would appear that I am quite grumpy today; strangely, I didnt notice this until I came into contact with idiots.


Clubman B

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RE: Run Reports.......

Pete's right - divvy up the responsibility.

If the run leader will record lane numbers and I've ridden em I'll write em up with good cheer.  There is an element, for me at least, in reluctance to write these I've been led there  n don't where I'm going or have come from...great if you're listening to Talking Heads album like Road to Nowhere but next to no use when contextualising a run report (see how I got gib [should that be reversed] sounding word in there?)

Anyoldhow Ming's got a point (mostly on his ankle I understand) this should just be fun and Gary knew that too or why else would we do it?  So run reports should be fun and educational in my view.  In the words of Butch Cassidy " I got vision and the rest of the world is still wearing bi-focals"  n youm got goggles on them too.

Off for a tootle in Marldon tomorrow at 4pm (ish) with Gary probably get to windmill,  and the lanes up to n  icluding redpost n tally ho before 6pm.



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RE: Run Reports...........are they losing interest????

Any run report 'good or bad' in my view is better than none,
and surely if you have the permission of the run leader (out of respect if run leader doesn't want to do one)  to do a report from your perspective of how the ride went!

I for one dont see the problem - write em up and post the pics you took, everyone can do it, there have been some good ride reports on this forum from multiple riders on the same ride.
IE: run leader reports then other members of the ride add pics and a few words, works very well in my book and gets a different view of the


'He who dares wins'

trf member ;-)  qy100112bw

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