I can confirm Gary at albion does know and use the word "FREE"
Whilst DHH and me where in the shop yesterday he used the term twice in in reference to a KTM wallet which may be given away "FREE" with some purchases.
In reality in turns out that the TRF discount is worth more than the price of the wallet, but either way i feel this in an important step for Gary.
Ahh free?!! A boy knocked on my door offered me free broadband, which I thought was mighty generous, but it turned out that I had to buy my telephone line rental and calls from them first, then they would give it to me free. Now having a few minutes to spare and wanting to waste the time of someone who had cold called I sparked up a discussion! .... I pointed out that if I had to buy something else it wasnt really free was it, he insisted it was, so I asked if what he really meant was that they over charged on their call packages to pay for the BB. He said they didnt, so I asked him how they covered the cost, he replied that it came out of their profit .... Hmm says I, then they must be making too much profit and over charging people who didnt have broadband .... he was getting a bit frustrated at this point and obviously running out of answers from his standard spiel Having wasted about 10 mins of his time I told him he wasting his time anyway because I already get free broadband, he said that wasnt possible I said I know ... we agreed on something!!! and asked who I got my BB from, I said Talktalk ....... the company he was trying to sell me BB from!!! Result!! I sugested that next time he did a bit of research and establish who his existing customers were before he cold called !! I sincereley hope I am now on a cold call black list!!
So where were we oh yes "free" KTM wallets ..... are they really free? ..... discuss!!
-- Edited by devondan on Sunday 5th of December 2010 01:34:11 PM
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
I can confirm Gary at albion does know and use the word "FREE"
Whilst DHH and me where in the shop yesterday he used the term twice in in reference to a KTM wallet which may be given away "FREE" with some purchases.
Thats because the standard wallet is just not big enough for a KTM owner - Albion know that once they sell you a KTM, you need a gert wallet to stash much cash to purchase toasters, BBQ branding irons, and load of other usless KTM branded crap.......(yes yes I have some of said crap ).........and without the gert Katoom freeby wallet you would not be able to do so........hence they will give you a freeby.......
Anyway I too attended the establishment yesterday (with wifey in tow as it appens) and they relieved me of £150 of so and I got naff all freebys
I can confirm Gary at albion does know and use the word "FREE"
Whilst DHH and me where in the shop yesterday he used the term twice in in reference to a KTM wallet which may be given away "FREE" with some purchases.
Thats because the standard wallet is just not big enough for a KTM owner - Albion know that once they sell you a KTM, you need a gert wallet to stash much cash to purchase toasters, BBQ branding irons, and load of other usless KTM branded crap.......(yes yes I have some of said crap ).........and without the gert Katoom freeby wallet you would not be able to do so........hence they will give you a freeby.......
Anyway I too attended the establishment yesterday (with wifey in tow as it appens) and they relieved me of £150 of so and I got naff all freebys