To start entertaining vid then i could not watch it to the end thought whats the point take a nice bike up as far as humanly poss then see how far down it will tumble ? and self distruct more money than sence on that climb me thinks
To start entertaining vid then i could not watch it to the end thought whats the point take a nice bike up as far as humanly poss then see how far down it will tumble ? and self distruct more money than sence on that climb me thinks
With ya there mate....was a bit pointless in the end....
anyone remember the insanity that was the racheu hill climb basically it was a mass p++s up watching idiots on all sorts of contraptions try to get up a mega steep hill and it lasted all weekend
I'd like to have seen someone try it more trials style, soft suspension and less speed, none of them ran out of velocity but nearly all bounced out of control? Not that I know nothing!!
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
I'd like to have seen someone try it more trials style, soft suspension and less speed, none of them ran out of velocity but nearly all bounced out of control? Not that I know nothing!!