but with the deterioration of xtrips back this winter it's time to give up greenlaning and sell the bikes. We have really enjoyed riding with you guys over the last few years, but it's time to give up I'm afraid, so over the next week or so, when I can get the bikes out and take some pictures, it's all got to go, all the bikes, the three bike trailer and the helmets and other kit.Even gonna sell Sammy's little quad Old smoky. I'll try and get some posted in the for sale section soon. We will still try and make it to the odd meeting if we can. And keep our eyes out for the talks etc.
That's terrible news! I wondered where you two were, you've certainly been quiet on here. Is Mr. Trip's back really that bad? I can relate - mine gives me stick from time to time but not as bad as Dave's. Maybe reconsider riding in the summer?
Whatever you decide to do, best of luck, and keep on using the forum!!!
Oh we're so sorry to hear that news, but thought something must be up as you've both been quiet for a while. If theres anything we can do to help you guys out please give us a call, fettling bikes for sale or delivering or anything. We really enjoyed our rides out with you, the ladies and novices rides set me (Jacki) on my way, although that ice last time - ooohhhhh!!
Hope to see you at a meeting or event, maybe at Hazelwood in the summer.
Sorry to hear you are not well enough to ride Dave. Enjoyed several ride outs with you and Lorn in the past. I know why your always on Triumph Torque now!
Is your back up to road riding, or do you have to pack that in as well?
Adventure before dementia. KTM 500 exc>Devon TRF Member.
I was planning a ride out over your way soon and was going to drop in and say hello. Sorry to hear the back is so bad. What's he going to do with all that garage space? He is bound to fill it with things he can polish .
I echo all the above - guessed something was up as It's been quiet but didn't like to 'pry'.......
Very, very sorry - not ridden with you much I know but really enjoyed the company the times I did - your both real characters and you make life a lot more fun
Noted the comment above from Paul about the triumph site - Xtrips not gonna want his jacket back is he as he's not avin it
C U about I hope
-- Edited by jt on Wednesday 26th of January 2011 07:00:09 PM
Hey Dave so sorry to hear that, your determination and perseverance is something to be admired, I'm a real wimp when my back gives me the slightest jip! What ever you do, I hope you both keep in touch.
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
Hi Lorn and Dave, it wont be the same without you both on the lanes ...I have some great memories of when I went out with you both and the great laughs we had.....but your health comes first and I do hope things start to get better for you Dave... What are the guys going to do without your lovely cakes Lorn?
I wish you both all the best of luck for the future xxx
Thanks guys for all the kind words. Might buy an old triumph for the back of the garage, so we are still bikers but not sure if it will ever get ridden.
Not planning to drop completely off the radar, so you might still have to suffer us sometimes
I was planning a ride out over your way soon and was going to drop in and say hello. Sorry to hear the back is so bad. What's he going to do with all that garage space? He is bound to fill it with things he can polish .
I don't bl**dy believe it Keep your chin up Dave OLD BOY!! Very sad news, as you are the reason I joined the Trf all those years ago. A true gentleman and PI** TAKER.
Sorry to hear about the back, the woodland creatures up here will be sorry as well, most were waiting for the rematch to get the last panel on the CCM scratched. Will just have to get more southeners up here for them to abuse
Lorns leap is still there should you ever fancy another go, at bikerobatics
Tread the circle thrice about, hope to see you about, if you are passing in that blue thing call in for a cuppa
Riding with enthusiasm upon the ragged precipice of disaster
Just because the old man can't ride doesn't mean you have to give up Lorn, especially as you'd done well leading the ladies (and some men!) round the lanes.
Be a shame to give all that experience up.........or is this a roundabout way of saying you've had enough of the CCM?
Caution - the poster may well have been drinking........