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Post Info TOPIC: Bbc4 right now - tales from the national parks


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Bbc4 right now - tales from the national parks

.... Follows campaign to stop 4x4 and trailriders in the Peak District.


I feel the need..........


Devon's Best

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Already had the quote "he nearly knocked me down!!"



Clubman A

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This is stupid. Just. Bunch of busy bodies with nothing better to do other than wasting air and people's ride time! Almost makes you want to redline through there front rooms !!


 Swift & Bold




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Will someone tell them to stop saying "off roaders" for god sake furious


Thats the point - they are bloody roads !


'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'


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What a crock.  A right bunch of intolerant NIMBYs who are going against all the National Park was set up for.furiousfuriousfurious


Devon's Best

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Was far easier watching Louis Theroux, keeps my heart pressure low as well!


Culmstock area - Devon TRF Group member - KTM 690 Enduro

Clubman A

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it doesnt help that the bloody commentator couldnt make it more obvious that the programe is trying to make us seem like bad people. What makes me laugh is even if they make it illegal to ride where we are legaly entitled to be, there will always be "off roading" as they like to call it. legal or not it wont stop the people who know there rights !

i keep to the legal lanes, but if ever the law changes and it states i cant ride them, ile still ride them. because the majority of them looked like they only had a couple years left anyway, and when them years are up, the law will change because no god damm busy bodys will be able to say other.

and without being to harsh it is mainly that generation of people who complain, proberly worried about the users watching them wipe there A*ses thru the window after sh*ting the bed at night.


 Swift & Bold



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An absolute joke! A BOAT is a BOAT the 'off roaders' are doing absolutely nothing wrong. Another piece of BBC propagana against us!



'92 Honda XLR 250


Clubman A

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Certain comments are inappropriate btw, not everyone agrees with you pastime and doesn't share your beliefs.




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What a crock of biased reporting that was. Although a good insight to various procedings. Showed a true parish councillor in the true colours we have seen - not really concerned with the law of the land and the rights of all the public to enjoy the countryside in a legal manner. Couldn't believe the clip from the parish church during a sunday service obviously attended by local residents - they were saying the Lords prayer and the whole church clip just captured the line 'And forgive those who trespas against us' !! Unbelievable.


I feel the need..........


Clubman A

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like the user state in the program. OPINIONS are allowed to be expressed.

my complaint has been sent, and although im not going to post what i said, i will be very suprised if i dont get a reply from it!


 Swift & Bold



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Wheely wrote:

What a crock of biased reporting that was. Although a good insight to various procedings. Showed a true parish councillor in the true colours we have seen - not really concerned with the law of the land and the rights of all the public to enjoy the countryside in a legal manner. Couldn't believe the clip from the parish church during a sunday service obviously attended by local residents - they were saying the Lords prayer and the whole church clip just captured the line 'And forgive those who trespas against us' !! Unbelievable.

    Cristians for you responible for the biggest geniside in the world.

Sure enought they will turn on the horses and cyclist in time.


CO2 more slippery than prison soap!


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Well well just watched the program being a off roader cant say i agreed with all that was said by the activists shame there prob nice people on a mission ? shame there not prepared to share the countryside with everyone , bet in olden times these lanes were used for industry farming etc lucky for them it still isnt ? lost



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Lath Ktm Holvey wrote:

it doesnt help that the bloody commentator couldnt make it more obvious that the programe is trying to make us seem like bad people. What makes me laugh is even if they make it illegal to ride where we are legaly entitled to be, there will always be "off roading" as they like to call it. legal or not it wont stop the people who know there rights !

i keep to the legal lanes, but if ever the law changes and it states i cant ride them, ile still ride them. because the majority of them looked like they only had a couple years left anyway, and when them years are up, the law will change because no god damm busy bodys will be able to say other.

and without being to harsh it is mainly that generation of people who complain, proberly worried about the users watching them wipe there A*ses thru the window after sh*ting the bed at night.

 Think this quote says it all. I'm in somerset, we can't ride almost anywhere legally in Somerset now which is a real shame. All the lanes I've been riding since I owned my first bike, now I'm not supposed to go there.

Had a great saturday and sunday out riding this weekend though!biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

It is only the older gen not tollerent of us though, one guy off the programe got it right when he said something like 'they all think there stuck in 1950's england'.



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I have just sent a complaint too. b@stards.


Devon's Best

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What a wishy washy waste of time, no one will be convinced either way by the content, it made me realise just how on thevball we are, bring it on!




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It was the same type of onesidedness on BBC Countryfile not so long ago !!


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Clubman A

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A total waste of life watching that program, so much for impartial reporting and broadcasting, but they all have one thing in common, Nothing Else Better to Do. 


 Not Everyone Can Wear Orange. 



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I enjoyed writing my complaint far more than I enjoyed the programme wink


'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'

Clubman A

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Was it that bad? It could have been a lot worse. I know the locals were given the lion's share of the programme and I'd have liked some more input (and more dynamic input) from the vehicle users particularly the TRF but the locals were given the opportunity to expose themselves as the selfish bunch of cranky, intolerant, bitter old people they are.

Has anyone looked at their village on the map? Great Longstone is surrounded by dozens of footpaths and bridleways (many obviously old roads) with Chertpit Lane one of only three UCRs within a three mile radius. Yet again it's a selfish minority who want everything.

Many viewers would already have unshakable opinions on the matter so the content was largely irrelevant yet those with an open mind may even have developed sympathies for us so obnoxious were the protesters.

There were some items I'd have liked a follow-up on...

Like when the 'John' got on the 'phone to report "some difficult, dangerous motoring..." to the Police just because 'Joyce' had a bike pass within a few inches of her and the rider asked "what are you doing?". Would she stand in the middle of a tarmac road? I wanted to know how the police reacted - hopefully they told the silly old duffers they're not permitted to stop the traffic and if they try they can expect Darwinian principles to apply.

And at the end the statement that the Chapel Gate order is being challenged in the High Court I'd have appreciated being told by whom - I'm guessing it's the TRF.

Quote of the programme for me was: "They [the Ramblers] think it's the pretty green England of 1950 where everything was ginger beer and sandwiches".






Devon's Best

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As John points out, the eccentricities of the activists were cruelly exposed in this piece.

The National Parks representative whom they expected to support them 100% betrayed their selfish divided ethos when cornered by having to point out that the original aim of 'Access For All' as a founding principle of the National Parks was contrary to their divisive adversarial bigotry.

The idiot trying to make a point by standing in the road to provoke a confrontation did not elicit sympathy. (Nor police attendance apparently).

There was a certain pathos in the commentary, and quite a lot of unsubstantiated bluster from the activists. The contrast between the calm local TRF rep and these troubled individuals was obvious.

Encouragingly the National Parks people seemed only to be acting when driven, and to be taking great care to be seen to be following the rules even when it did not suit the purposes of GLEAM's lackeys.



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Sorry to disagree with you, Pete & John but I think the protestors were portrayed as being reasonable and its only if you have our point of view that you can see the bigotry creeping in.  Anyone who was not already biased to one side or the other would think the protestors had a point.  For that reason, I have complained to the BBC on the grounds that the programme was biased.


Devon's Best

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Im still of the opinion it was a waste of time.


There is this need in the secondary Bbc chanels to make quirky programs that depart slightly from the actual reality.


They add a strange spin to this type of programing that shows normal folk to be a little moronic and excenrtic. Dont know if there is a name for it but Harty mentioned Louis The roux, he is the total master at it.


All it does is make everyone look a bit daft, with the exception of the national park guys, who i thought came across very well.


I think we should increase our profile with official bodies like these and raise our game to a more proffessional level.




Clubman A

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I agree,

quotes like

and without being to harsh it is mainly that generation of people who complain, proberly worried about the users watching them wipe there A*ses thru the window after sh*ting the bed at night.

Raises us to a professional level that only some people can dream about.



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chrisoncbr wrote:

Sorry to disagree with you, Pete & John but I think the protestors were portrayed as being reasonable and its only if you have our point of view that you can see the bigotry creeping in.  Anyone who was not already biased to one side or the other would think the protestors had a point.  For that reason, I have complained to the BBC on the grounds that the programme was biased.

 I agree with you Chris, and also logged a complaint on the basis of bias.

In truth it wasn't as bad as I was expecting and did not make my blood boil, it was funny that the program did not show masses of different people upset or complaining. It just showed the same few who keep acting as if they represented the many.

Problem is though right at the end it seemed as if they were starting to make head way as the park is re-thinking it's policy. Maybe, as Steve said, the local TRF needs to raise it's game. I'm not for minute assuming that they are not already doing loads but it just seems that increased pressure from the other side needs to be re-balanced with more from ours so any decisions can be made on the facts and not just to appease the moaners.

-- Edited by RichT4 on Wednesday 2nd of November 2011 09:18:20 AM


Devon's Best

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I was impressed with the National Park representatives who were at pains to strike a balanced stance in the face of bigoted intolerant complainants. You are correct that it will be necessary to react to these selfish idiots or they will pressurise the authorities to respond under the guise of local democracy.

It is annoying to have to resort to this because arguing with them dignifies their argument.

GLEAM have studied the lesons of history well and know what Joseph Goebells demonstrated, that a lie told loud and often will be accepted as truth in the absence of denials. It is worth remembering that the Nazis were extremely adept at using the system to their own ends and were democratically elected.

For evil to triumph a good man need only do nothing, so all complaints about GLEAM being portrayed as representing widely held views will help by serving to put them into perspective



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Watched the program on Sunday, it would have been laughable if it wasn't such a serious subject. The National Park guys were spot on in the way they handled the situation, but higher authority could still cause problems.

I was very amused by the local group not wanting the 4x4 boys to clear sections of the lane, it would have negated part of the reasons for wanting to ban "off-roaders" as they put it, who we all know, have every right to be on Cherlpit Lane.

Have sent in my complaint to the very biased BBC4 program too.



Life is not a rehearsal


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FBF wrote:

I agree,

quotes like

and without being to harsh it is mainly that generation of people who complain, proberly worried about the users watching them wipe there A*ses thru the window after sh*ting the bed at night.

Raises us to a professional level that only some people can dream about.

 Glad you said it - i was thinking it hmm


'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'


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L'orange wrote:
I think we should increase our profile with official bodies like these and raise our game to a more professional level.

 I agree. The motorised vehicle users came across as very calm and accommodating and the only way is the official, legal route.

I have complained about the biased nature of the documentary, however, we can all do our bit not to add fuel to the fire, e.g. size of number plate lettering, a horn that works, quiet exhausts, controlled use of throttle, MT43s, small groups etc.... It all contributes to making us look more civilised/professional than the other users.


I draw the line at sheading a tear for the camera disbelief.gif



-- Edited by V Twin Funster on Wednesday 2nd of November 2011 05:41:12 PM

-- Edited by V Twin Funster on Wednesday 2nd of November 2011 05:41:40 PM


V Twin Funster



Clubman B

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The forum needs a PR official, a calm rational individual with knowledge of legal process and the ability to get joint venture partners or users of a common resource to share and share alike the benefits and spoils of a wonderful natural resource.  A sound bite afficionando would help.

I'd offer to help but I'm not a cluny...

-- Edited by PeterBc on Wednesday 2nd of November 2011 07:32:59 PM


Clubman A

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The law won't change, they can do and say what they want, the peak district was made for all . And that's how it will remain, the fact it was mentioned it would go against the foundations on witch the park was made for lays to rest the waste of time the show was and that it won't be made illegal to ride or 4x4 there.

Who's up for setting some fireworks off in there garden for ****s n giggles?


 Swift & Bold


Clubman B

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My complaint to the BBC read,

Episode 2
The words
are inaccurate and offensive. People using motor vehicles were using public roads and therefore not "off road". By using these terms the programme was instilling a bias that the vehicles were not on legal roads.

Organisations like the TRF (Trail Riders Fellowship) police their members extremely well and continue to be synergous with local authorities in keeping highways available to all. Several paths in National Parks have been kept open by their members being able to access the more remote areas to supply both help and equipment.

I thought the programme otherwise showed that the Park Authority dealt with the NIMBYs very well. Using the mass trespass of Kinder Scout in 1932 as their marker the NIMBYs seem all too keen to "pull up the ladder Jack we're OK" and abandon their mantra of the "guiding Principle that everyone should enjoy the countryside."


I get confused after the word "simply.." AIDS Education through Cricket



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philsil wrote:

My complaint to the BBC read,

Episode 2
The words
are inaccurate and offensive. People using motor vehicles were using public roads and therefore not "off road". By using these terms the programme was instilling a bias that the vehicles were not on legal roads.

 Ha! almost verbatim of my complaint - except is said I took it personally, I also pointed out that if 'off road' why was Old Bill checking the 'road legallity' of the bikes disbelief


'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'

Devon's Best

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At least the bias was mentioned on points of view! Though the producer denied it....



KTM Sunday = ATM Monday 

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Clubman A

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nickpdo wrote:

At least the bias was mentioned on points of view! Though the producer denied it....

One of the letters asked for "the BBC to air the motorcyclists side of the story" to which the presenter stated the producer's denial but then, without a hint of irony,  said:

"... Countryfile is one programme that constantly covers the issue of competing needs of walkers and vehicles in areas of natural beauty"

And, as we all know, one of the presenters is President of the Ramblers!





-- Edited by John Leah on Sunday 6th of November 2011 06:17:40 PM



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Now writing a compliant about points of view....they are still calling us 'off roaders' furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious


'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'


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Our Chairmans word is spreading!!


Adventure before dementia. KTM 500 exc >Devon TRF Member.     

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