After watching on any Sunday it's given me the motivation for an old twinshock 2stroke to restore slowly and surely to its former glory. Anything around ?
The bad news is that something to restore will nearly always cost you more than its worth, my 77 YZ250 cost me £200, but cost me £2k to finish by the time I'd included complete engine rebuild (did that myself) powder coating, seat foam, and cover, plastics, wheel rebuild and new tyres and tubes. However spending the money here and there over a year meant I didnt really feel the pain! I guess now its worth about £1800 - £2k tops my advice is get the best you can afford to start with not the cheapest! If the wheels are good that will save the best part of £400 for new rims and spokes.
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!