Hi everybody it's Lost ,today I've been taking the track down at widworthy Honiton ,the meeting last weekend was wet muddy and huge fun and success sadly today I've noticed in and out of the site trail type tyre pattern tread all over the place some folk have been around the track this I'm sure isn't anyone from the TRF as they would should know better there is access across the Feild but it is a public foot path with a style at the far end
just a reminder should anyone be caught on the private land there registion will be recorded and passed onto the land owner and poss police please advise anyone this will be the clubs course of action if anyone is caught ,if on the other hand you have express permission from the farmer then you or they have nothing to be concerned about
The classic club pays out over well over a £1000.00 to run these events and we are hopping to return to this site again poss this summer sites aren't easy to come by and meetings are expensive what with AMCA licenses etc so please warn fellow trail riders not to trespass at this or future venues
Thankyou for listening Chairman Devon Classic Motorcycle Club
That Tut tut sounds like a pooh pooh? I think pooh poohing an important point deserves a tut tut. I wouldn't ordinarily pooh pooh a tut tut but it's a very valid point Lost makes about abusing a resource and the evident tyre tracks not belonging to ... scrambler type motorbikes...
I totally agree that no one should be doing any illegal riding that compromises the right to ride in future. Whether it be private or byway.
But for once it seems the shoe has changed foot. It's usually the Mx rider being criticised for riding a lane too fast or illegally. This time it appears that potentially a trail rider(s) have been illegally riding a private mx location.
Both wrong - but a somewhat ironic change. Unheard of before on here I think.
Does it matter what type of bike was ridden - does it matter it was a bike and not a quad or a car? No - irrelevant it's the lack of respect - all to common these days.
The term tosser on crosser does not help - it matters not what anyone rides or drives but they way in which they do it - and where.
The point well made. My only concern is that this incident may have nothing to do with any TRF member. The spotlight should fall on the club as this field had not been ridden on until after the event had taken place.
Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!
Not sure I understand what you mean Doug, all Kerry is saying is don't ride on the fields ( there is no track now, we've just taken it down! ) unless you have permission from the farmer.
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!