i managed to damage my hands at work recently and have got to try and reduce the things that trigger them going numb or getting pins and needles to the point i can not hold things is there any way of reducing the amount of vibration through the bars on my wr. I've not ridden many other enduro bikes so not sure if changing my bike will help
Silicone sealant pumped through the whole inside of the bars seems to help. It's cheap to do so worth a try. I filled my renthals on my drz and afterwards was tempted to do it to my road bike too.
If you have white finger ( if you haven't already) you aught to think about seeing a solicitor, unless you work for yourself! No one should be injured at work.
-- Edited by devondan on Wednesday 28th of June 2017 05:23:25 AM
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
Cheaper and better fill bars with sand, leave an inch empty, and let some water soak in, not runny, just damp.
It seriously dampens the vibration.
Bar ends, as in 1930s car bumpers, change the resonant frequency of oscillations of the bumpers which used to be transmitted to the bodyshell of the car and more importantly stopped the wings from cracking. (How do I know this - you need a VERY large anorak)
You can get rubber mounts for the bars, vary from bike to bike.
Loads of good suggestion.
You could also try oversized or heated grips,. suspension settings, wheel balancing.
Personally I've always found 4 cylinder Yamaha road bikes to be a bit buzzy, but I've not rode a WR for any long periods.
My advise is look at your riding style, i would say you are gripping to hard. You might need to change the height or the bend of the bars.
Doug has a point. Make sure your riding stance is correct. Stand on the pegs and grip the bars lightly. If you are happy to cup the bars between your fingers without needing to hold the bars for balance and you back feels relaxed then you have it about right. If you are tensing when riding then it may cause pressure on the discs between vertebra in the neck and subsequent swelling may press on the nerves to the fingers causing numbness and pins and needles. When I put risers on the CCM these symptoms went away.
thanks for all the ideas i know i.m to tense the first ten or fiften minutes on the bike always takes me a few lanes to get settled on the bike. the bike is bike is mecanicly sound its not vibrating an abnormaly amount but enough to trigger my hand after damaging them usings sanders and multitools for to long in one day i.m back to the doctors next week but there is no cure just ways to prevent it getting any worse.
i.ve changed the clutch leaver to an easy lever and that has helped but still not enough my bars are the right height for me but do have to much bend in which i
ve been wanting to change but not got around to i think i.ll order some new bars and try and fill them before input them on it seems to be the frequany of the vibration more than amount of which ist the problem so hopefuly this will make a differance as i really dont want to give uo riding
not been properly out on the bike yet but did manage to do 50 miles on the road and a few laps of a field after adding silicone to the bars without setting my hands next to try it on the lanes