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Post Info TOPIC: Teign to Tamar 2024 Day 2 - Russ's group

Clubman A

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Posts: 943
Teign to Tamar 2024 Day 2 - Russ's group

So day 2 began with the same commute to Ashburton as the day before but the sun was coming up again and it was looking like another glorious day so what was not to like.

Having parked up at the campsite we grabbed our complimentary brekkie bap and a full cup of coffee and chatted about the previous days riding with other club members/ run leaders.

Day 2 route was our Ruggerdon run taking us in a North East direction from Ashburton through Islington and Simms Hill then as far North as Lustleigh then heading east to Ruggadon at Trusham then Ideford and Ashcombe then almost to the coat at Dawlish before heading south again passing through Teignmouth, Rocombe and Stokinteignhead then Kingskerswell, Staverton, Totnes, Harberton, Avonwick before heading back to the campsite via Dean, Rattery and Buckfastleigh.

The first interesting lane of the day was 202-004 at Gale, a natural gulley shape is this lane, not created though water, with some large loose rocks and large tree roots to negotiate. Its always a challenge to remain on the pegs and not to dab on this lane. Dropping down the other wide of the hill on 202-005 we hit the main Newton Abbot Road, the A383 for a very short period before veering off towards Bickington. At the junction at Chipley Russ took a wrong turn, probably having been put off by the road closed sign where we wanted to go. He quickly realised and turned about and we snuck through the temporary fence surrounding the pile of excavated road. 191-097 took us to Staplehill that dropped us behind Trago Mills. Passing over the A38 we hung a left towards Halford and 191-103 which is a lane with a lot of broken tarmac and large holes which need to be avoided. There was also a MA-HOOSIVE root ball from a tree that had fallen down which thankfully had been cut to allow our passage. The remainder of the head of the tree lay in the field to the right of the lane. Someones chainsaw work for another day. From here we circled around the infamous Simms Hill which proved no challenge today as it was very dry. Still, good to add the pressure of a camera man filming, ha ha. Down 191-087 then across the road into Tipley (191-089), again, no dramas here either. 191-091 took us into Bovey Tracey but no need to fill up here now as wed not long left the start with brimmed tanks. Out the back of Bovey and at the top of 191-081 which is a easy climb up the hill saw a family restraining their little terrier who seemed eager to greet us .. or was that attack us, Hmmm, not sure. Next was the great Little Johns Walk (191-077). We got to the top and our visitors all said, can we do that one again please, ha ha. It never fails to impress does that lane. Onwards to the lovely little switch-back climb on 191-072 that wed ridden down the day before always nice to get both aspects of a lane, up and down then onwards to Bennah hill again but this time NOT taking the short off-slip at the eastern end down past the well and the fallen tree, that wed negotiated upwards the day before. 

At Christow we headed south past Canonteign Falls stopping briefly to show our visitors the waterfall. They said, are we riding up that? ha ha Well no, but something maybe just as tricky being the next lane, Ruggadon (191-074), or Bugger-don as Mark, one of our visitors termed it come the end. I whizzed on ahead to take up position for filming the initial drop into the river. Damian, being on his Husky 701 today (fork seals blow on his 530 yesterday) opted for the ride around on this lane knowing its a bit of a challenge at the best of times let alone with 50 extra KGs to muscle around, and the day was still young!  

Dropping into the river was negotiated well by most of the group but Terry with his short stature got slightly mis-directed in his planned route across the river bed probably by a large rock which caused him to dab but the floor wasnt quite where he expected it to be and hence he fell off, the bike fortunately landing airbox intake side up as it continued to tick-over and then rev wildly as he grabbed the handlebars/ throttle grip to pick the bike up. Ive got to admit that I felt rather bad stood there filming and not helping so in the end I downed the camera and went to help although he was pretty sorted at that point anyways.

Some of the visitors remembered this lane from last year but there were a barrage of questions regards, whats it like? Descriptions dished out not that they likely helped or added any element of confidence! ha ha I set off again to take up position to film the guys coming up the lane. It was a tough challenge, as always, but enjoyed by everyone, even Terry who did a cracking job on this lane after his little spill earlier. After meeting Daman at the end of the lane we continued in a south easterly direction to Ideford common and 192-289 immediately off the main road roundabout, the entrance to which was very clearly signed for us with massive yellow arrows which we later found to be for a cycling event as we met our first cyclists on lane 192-250 coming towards us. Passing the gypsy camp and negotiating the rocky 192-215 Haldon Lane to Ideford Arch we then took Hamblecombe Lane (192-202) then 192-201 where we met a husband on his e-MTB leading/ following his wife on her horse. I gave him the usual line of, youre cheating (I have an e-bike and hear that all the time) but he was quick to respond saying he needed it to keep up with the horse, fair comment I thought. After the jovial and pleasant exchange we all exited to the lane to let them enter the lane good timing too! Next was the short, tight and narrow 192-231 then 192-205 off Three Tree Lane down into the farm. From here we rode into Ideford on Fore Street and looking to my right I caught a glimpse of an amazing looking house. Ive since looked at Google Street view and WOW, it does look impressive!! Its in Higher Colleybrook road but if you go on street view into that road its still undeveloped and is the farm buildings that obviously preceded the house build but it you zoom into it from Fore Street, WOW, real Grand Designs stuff!! Anyways, onwards to 192-198 but just before we entered this lane I took a whack on my left check bone from some MA-HOOSIVE bug! It immediately felt like Id been stung so I used my fingers to squeeze my cheek in an attempt to extract any of the sting. We then entered the Towerhill Lane (192-198) which is a rocky and somewhat gullied climb. The bug incident moments before somewhat put me off my riding and I took an odd line and took a massive kick from a rock which stepped my back-end out wildly. I did well to recover it and carry on as was testified by one of our visitors who was closely following me at the time. Anyways, onwards and upwards, literally in this lane! Towards the top of this lane where it flattened out there was another one of those dubious looking sandy-coloured wet and soft looking patches in the middle of the lane a sink hole maybe that Ive fell fowl of on another recent ride in North Devon. I would have avoided it anyways but Im of the thinking a fellow rider for the earlier in the day or even yesterday had marked it with two thick sticks that were poking out of the gloop. Thank you whoever that was. 

East through Ashcombe to 192-250 at Langdon Barton and this was where we encountered our gravel bike and mountain bike riders so we rode cautiously along this lane to stop at a vantage point overlooking the river Exe. If we had a £1 for every cyclist that went past us and said, can I swap bikes please or can I borrow your engine wed be rich! ha ha. Exiting this lane, and fortunately the cyclists planned route, we hit Long Lane (192-196) and came up behind a horse and rider so we patiently waited for a safe passing place that the horse rider pulled into. Another fantastic house is situated near the end of this lane also Ive take a screen grab off street view and added it to the pictures, go take a look. As we dropped down into Dawlish a Road Closed sign prevented us from following our route so Russ decided to detour to 192-199 which is a great little lane but not often ridden by us. Ridden east to west you drop into the lane off the road and its a steep rocky and slippery decent down to the river then what looks like an innocuous river crossing is actually quite deep due to the swell/ swirling/ pooling of the river flow. Once the river crossing is negotiated it doesnt get much easier with a very boggy exit the other side. Needless to say there was a large amount of debris scattered up the road as we left, Oooops but I have no doubt itll rain again soon and wash it all away. Next was 192-208 which is massively washed out with a very deep gulley in the centre, a real peg-scraper! (I think the DTRF overlay description needs updating on this one for sure cos its a fair challenge now). Mark on the day-glow Husky 501 decided to find himself in the bottom of said gulley at one point and with a over exuberant handful of throttle to get himself out he apparently managed to flip the bike. An amusing spectacle by all accounts but nothing broken aside a bent No. plate so onwards to the petrol station in Teignmouth for a fill up both bikes and bellies! Here we bumped into Chris group with John Leah TECing. Theirs was only a fuel stop but they managed to leave one of their riders behind, DOH!!!

After lunch we crossed the bridge towards Stokingteignhead/ Rocombe and the myriad of lanes in this area, and we included two of the most infamous Piggery at Higher Gabwell (202-405?) then Rocombe Barn going up! (202-052). The challenge of this lane was preented to the group but only myself and two of the visitors decided to give it a crack given the hype and descriptions that had been offered. TBF it wasnt too difficult today as it was very dry. Upon meeting back up with the group at the top of the lane we headed to Coffinswell (202-060) which was super muddy and puddled at the bottom (north end) then across the main Kingskerswell road heading for Woodpark Lane (202-082) at North Whilborough. This a lovely rocky climb avoiding large rocks and tree roots which line the lane. A real workout for the shoulders. Windmill lane was next (202-074) then Compton Mill Lane (202-073) then another fantastic house with perfectly manicured lawns and a very expensive looking winding resin driveway at the cross roads at Bulleigh Barton (another street view screen view added for your viewing). The affectionately named Compton mud plug was next (202-081) but there was little of a mud plug, thankfully. Just past this I was following Terry (72 years young remember!) and he had a little badger in the hedge. After composing himself after getting back upright I pulled alongside him. He confessed to being pretty tired at this point. I told him not to feel pressured by trying to keep up the pace, take it in his own time, no rush. I warned him of the rocky exit to this lane and he seemed to take my advice and dialled the pace down a notch which was good to see. No rush here!! Take it easy and enjoy the scenery! Onwards down Tanyard Lane (202-080) then Woodhead Lane (202-092) at Higher Weekaborough which brought us out to the criss-cross of lanes at Red Post (202-102, 202-101, up Tally Ho 202-099, 202-100 then down 202-324 into Uphempston then 202-326 out onto the main Newton Abbot road A381. We hung a left off the main A-road at Coombe Park into 202-111 which is a nice gradual climb before eventually dropping down on he John Musgrave Heritage Trail (202-118) into Totnes where our visitors had specifically requested coffee and cake so not wanting to disappoint Russ stopped on the roundabout by the monument and we went to Food for Thought which served some amazing flap jacks and cakes, so much so that one of our visitros bought an array of flapjacks for the journey home and for his work (hes a driving instructor and apparently he eats a lot of flapjack). 

Fed and watered AGAIN! we headed out of Totnes on 202-123 always being mindful of walkers on this lane and indeed there were a few! Climbing up out of Totnes on 202-133 past the gypsy camp at the southern end we then hit 202-142 at Dorsley Barton with the large puddle at the southern end and it did indeed catch at least one person out, poor Terry again who was obviously very tired by now. This is a sloppy and muddy puddle and his gloves were now sopping. 

With 202-141 to Belsford farm currently TROd we did a ride around then on to the weird and wonderful 202-146. The bedrock descent caught poor old Terry out again but he managed to stay upright this time. Slowing the pace was key here again, take your time, dont feel pressured to crack on I told him again so he slowed It back down again. The bottom of this lane is a weird old place with a ruined building of some description and stone walls and lots of creepy looking trees. If anyone knows what this place once was Id be interested to know.

Riding up and out of the lane is a nice little challenge, not so much today but in the wet, as there a slab of off-camber rock which can easily catch you out. From here we headed for Avonwick on the road then 202-129 up over the field then into the ridiculously boggy section just the other side of the gate. I dont know whats happened here large farm equipment maybe? but it was and absolute bog-fest with everyone getting covered in mud!! Ewwwww. I roostered myself and could feel it seeping through the back and on the arms of my MX jersey. YUK!! Exiting through Rattery onto the Dartington road A385 we hit Culver lane or Small Lane as the sign says (202-130). This is a great lane and caught our flap-jack loving visitor out. He saw the first wet slab of rock and decided to try and go up the side of it rather than up the middle as the middle looked rather steep and slippery, what with the flowing water, but I guess thats the benefit of local knowledge knowing which line to take. It was one of those slow motion offs which was quite comical and even the downed rider had to laugh at himself. Good man! Having remounted and told to just go up the middle .. for the entire length of the lane he did so, as we all did, and we all made it to the top. Hoorah. Next was the heavily rutted 202-095 which was a great test of balance. We then somewhat cruelly? decided to take them up Dean Field 202-086 which presented a bit of a challenge for most of the riders but we all made it in the end with smiles and laughter all round.. Down 202-085 then into Deancombe then 202-084 then 202-076 taking us into Buckfastleigh. Suicide Alley going up was next 202-063 which presented less trouble than it did yesterday going down it. Good effort fellas! Pridhamsleigh (202-055) was next then 202-056 leading us to the great lane at Parkfield (202-058) which has a nice mix of terrains along its length ruts, rocky downhill then sloppy mud. Very much on the home stretch now with a short road commute back to the campsite where we started.

Another fantastic days riding for sure, one to be remembered (in part why I write the run reports, so they can be recounted in years to come when Im too old and past it but if Im riding anything like old Terry when Im his age then Ill be MORE than happy!). Having checked back in with the event organiser and everyone accounted for we said our goodbyes to our visitors who expressed their gratitude for the two days theyd had with us. A quick cup of coffee and a debrief with a fellow club member then Russ, Damian and I ventured on our commute hme. A ful 130 odd miles for me door to door and a well deserved and much needed roast dinner when I got home cooked by the wife, Mmmmm. Over and out until next time.

Can't get enough of the muddy stuff


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Posts: 1035

Looks like you gave them the full tour and got really lucky with the weather.
I was exhausted just reading about it.
I felt slightly guilty for laughing at the rider stalled in the submarine pen on Reservoir lane,
and worried for the rider so close to the deep water under the bridge on Pitt hill lane.
Ruggadon is looking nearly as deep as Cheriton now and still rideable, just.
Well done, good report.

-- Edited by Pete on Thursday 18th of April 2024 02:10:22 PM


Clubman A

Status: Offline
Posts: 664

Great ride report , enjoyed reading it



Status: Offline
Posts: 1555

great job Geoff

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