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Post Info TOPIC: Gipsies lane clearing, report, video, 192-237 GRM 5368


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Gipsies lane clearing, report, video, 192-237 GRM 5368

Dumpy bag lane, tombstone lane, 192-237, GRM 5368 call it what you like...there is some volunteering needed to help all users enjoy this public green road! 

                              Yes its currently TTRO "Temporary traffic regulation order" prohibiting anyone from using such a road/public right of way anytime soon. 


Horrific Storms back in May, summer of 2023 knocked out various rights of way, including footpaths, bridleways, UCR's in the area of Tipton st John East Devon. Its easy to knock the county council with loads of moans etc...the council in charge applied for funding from government to help with repairs, 2023 & some of 2024 has seen around 200k spent repairing many of the rights of way in the area, including Seaway lane 5254 (lower) & GRM 5255, the latter now open for all users.

                  Many BW's FP's have been repaired with this money to, some are still closed to this day along with the very lovely 'Lower Gipsies' lane.


Devon TRF are no strangers to this impressive green road called 'Gipsies lane' with many sessions in the past 15yrs completing on going maintenance & clearing of vegetation as when needed the group has responded to some extensive repairs. 


This can no longer be a custom repair to suit just our needs as the County in 2023 were on site with the 'flood team' looking for solutions with little or no funds it still remains closed today (18 months) 

Devon TRF working in partnership with the County's Pro Rights of Way team has resulted in a great effort to gain permission to have a good ole DTRF lane clearing session on the afore mentioned 'Gipsies lane' (lower) 


So...lets get it on then....17th November 2024 is Clearing day!! 


Why oh why are you clearing a "Closed" Green road?? Simples, it sends out a clear message to the Devon county that we are still very interested in helping plus we need this right of way back into circulation. 

Clearing in just over two hours with various petrol machinery, all safety's on! Risk assessment completed, safety talk before we began clearing. We just needed some bodies to volunteer..


No need to panic Wacky Trevor has sourced/encouraged members at the monthly meeting to join us, fantastic nine volunteers of the trail riders fellowship turned up to help with this task, some we're members I already knew but more importantly we had members who are New to us/me 


AMAZING to see so many people volunteering, aiding a quicker clearing time for all volunteers 




I look forward to meeting others who had volunteered but couldn't make the date arranged, thanks for the kind offer tho!


Your gratefully Wacky 

Ian Collins 



-- Edited by wackyracer on Tuesday 19th of November 2024 12:34:01 PM


'He who dares wins'

trf member ;-)  qy100112bw


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Posts: 1656

A great morning out in the fresh air.  Thanks to all who came and helped, some from as far as Plymouth.  Great to see some new faces.

Also, thankyou to Ian, aka Wacky who organised this and spoke to the authorities.  He also found the time to explain to everyone the thinking behind it, then after all that produced a short film about it to entertain and inform us.

Volunteering is a rewarding thing to do.  You often meet other members for the first time and perhaps form friendship's which bring you riding buddies.  Most of all you become part of something worthwhile.

Don't forget, Devon TRF is not just about riding, we have to look after all the necessary components of our pastime or your shiny new bike will become superfluous.

see you all at the AGM



-- Edited by Trevor Foxon on Tuesday 19th of November 2024 03:17:14 PM


Clubman B

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Posts: 103

brilliant work guys well done!


Full throttle - it either solves the problem or ends the suspense!

Clubman A

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Posts: 681

Well done all involved.



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Tree slid into the road from the field bank, later sliced up by three Devon TRF volunteers wink 





'He who dares wins'

trf member ;-)  qy100112bw


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Posts: 6239


Haven't changed a bit, first bulky bag inserted in the ditch to save the road and build up material behind, still in place today 

Only failure was not carrying on with more bags & bulking them up behind each other for the extra support 

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Jack & I were only talking about this photo last week, I'll post it to Lee wink

Tons of material shifted up the road by Devon TRF 

Location just past the 'Bomb hole' at the North end if travelling up hill, note no gully in the centre & we were only picking off loose material on top of the surface smile 

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'He who dares wins'

trf member ;-)  qy100112bw


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Posts: 6239

The 'Bomb hole' at the Northern end 


This hole never use to be this deep before 2014 

Now its another 2-3 foot deeper & causing us problems cos its closed hmm

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'He who dares wins'

trf member ;-)  qy100112bw


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Posts: 6239

3/November/ 2013 

Clearing a fallen tree at the hidden gate way on lower Gipsies (just above the major tree fall, stump still there today) lane plus clearing a few smaller branches on the higher section of gipsies lane 

The Trio 

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Having Fun! biggrin

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Silky saw winkbiggrin  

Man power!!! 



'He who dares wins'

trf member ;-)  qy100112bw


Status: Offline
Posts: 6239


Tree fun, thanks fellas, great supporters of the group smile

The Major tree sorting out, no one or no user could get through until it was dealt with wink









'He who dares wins'

trf member ;-)  qy100112bw

Devon's Best

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Posts: 2979

Great memories Ian, just shows how much work the group has done just on that lane ! I remember another time we went to build up below the tree stump aswell




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delvey91 wrote:

Great memories Ian, just shows how much work the group has done just on that lane ! I remember another time we went to build up below the tree stump aswell

Yes mate, another brilliant reason as not to give up on the road known as "Gipsies lane"

Thanks to everyone for all their hard work in volunteering on this amazing lane over the years/decades 

We've been there loads of times Jack, your right, probably a few times I can't remember to, Sussex boys have been there with their barrows helping at one time smile (must find the photos) smile


'He who dares wins'

trf member ;-)  qy100112bw

Clubman B

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Posts: 262

Excellent work chaps



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Posts: 1944

I have been watching the old gang setting to under the guidane of Wacky and am very impressed how professional it has been.

You have the right eqipment, guidance and wherewithall to get stuck in and produce a workable solution with no bother.

Well done all of you.


Cubber (Martyn)


You're never too old to learn something stupid.

TTR250 but now a mobility scooter
Budleigh Salterton

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