As winter draws in at the end of 2009 our thoughts focused on the 2010 Spring adventure. Mid-south Wales was set as the destination as we still had so many lanes not yet explored. The run was supposed to be advertised but due to so many runners already queuing this wasn't possible. The number was fixed at 10 max and the lucky runners were myself & wacky (run planners & leaders), Harty, Brownie, SteveXR, Rich XR, Wheely, Ben, Geoff & Nic slip along.
We all assembled in some sort of shape at the B&B Friday morning and were ready for the off at around 10:30. Bike readiness left something to be desired but we all got through regardless.
Day 1: The Strata and beyond - 110 miles This route is a favourite of mine but this time was the first it's been so dry. Dust was a problem but as I was leading I have no idea what dust they were on about.
First break at a nice crossing.
and already Steve can't resist the urge to fix someone else's bike.
So on with the crossings, with the water being so low this stretch really lost it's challenge & excitement. I was both relieved and disappointed to see the rivers so low and this great lane so devoid of water. Still there was more to come so we pressed onwards.
Onwards to the reservoir route. Some great lanes around here and great views.
After this we heading back to the B&B through a network of local lane - only to be met by the Somme.
We tried several lines around this area but the damaged left from our 4x4 'friends' was very severe.
Harty took a straight line through and almost lost his bike to bog, Nic tried a different line but instead found a convenient bike park.
After lots of pulling & pushing it was free
Finally we were all free and a quick run through a local bike wash took the worst off our bikes, and almost claimed a few of us during the process - more pics & vids to follow I suspect.
Day 2 : The Hundred House route - 120 miles
This unfortunately kicked off with the mud bog, besides the bog this is great forest lane which cuts out a fair network of tarmac so is difficult to avoid for some routes.
Again I tried a different line through which stopped my bike in it tracks, again! Thankfully Geoff was on hand again to lift the front and help pull my bike through.
There we are again trying to get through while the 4x4's are busy making is worse.
We quickly progressed through this time as we'd learnt much from the previous days escapades. Onwards we charged as many lanes were left in front of us.
A nice leafy climb but the slippy floor claimed one rider
Then poor RichXR had a devil of a job getting going again.
Then we were out on the open moors.
with some deep puddles thrown in for good measure, here's RichXR deciding not to risk it.
and wacky showing us how it should be done.
Time was slipping away this day though. We had a later start as Brownie had to attempt to buy a new front sprocket but to no avail. Somehow his XR400 managed to (after losing all the teeth off the front sprocket) complete another 2 days of riding - throttle restraint was exercised though. Also Ben suffered a broken clutch cable but luckily Geoff had a universal spare.
So getting late in the day we decided to stop on route for a pub lunch (good call Wacky). Following that and with all riders refreshed we set off to complete the ride in the dark. That added a nice twist to end of day and some spectacular night riding.
Day 3: local lanes - 65 miles
Only 5 runners now as we lost some runners to both rider and bike fatigue, plus Wheely & co had to go home earlier on Sunday. So that just left me, Wacky, Brownie, SteveXr & Rich XR. First part of this run was to explore some nice forest lanes which lead us out on to the Roman roads to the east, before turning back to explore some other previously un-ridden lane (to us). Some of these were fantastic and left us wondering why we had not ridden these up until now - a definite must ride if your in these parts.
Couple of shots of a linking lane
Then we emerged as this great view point...,
Spectacular views - my quick snapper does not do this place justice!
From there time was running on as we were approaching 2 hours overdue. A couple more lanes were quickly dispatched and soon we were back at the B&B, shortly after we were on way home - tired but satisfied.
Many thanks to Wacky for being my co-guide for the weekend, to Harty for driving us and to Geoff who always seemed to be on hand to pull me and others out of whatever we got stuck in. Not forgetting Wheely who was almost always right there to open any gates that got in our way and Steve XR who not only repaired our bikes but also a local damsel in distress at the local filling station. Not forgetting everyone else for their support during this trip and for providing endless entertainment along the way.
Cheers, Rich.
-- Edited by RichT4 on Tuesday 20th of April 2010 08:22:14 AM
-- Edited by wackyracer on Tuesday 20th of April 2010 08:17:27 PM
-- Edited by wackyracer on Tuesday 20th of April 2010 08:18:02 PM
It was a fantastic weekend, and thanks to all those involved and more to those who organised it. Was very well lead by the two run leaders. Shame we didn't ride the 3rd day, but the old man needed to get home
I don't think anything else could of made it better. Maybe a little less dust but that was all.
I can only add to what everyone else has said already, stunning weekends riding with great planning and run leading. Cheers to Richt4 and Wacky for that, to Nick for getting all our bikes there and brownie for inviting me. Looking forward to more picts and maybe the odd vid still to raze its head. Nice one all !
Awesome write up and pics, looked like a bloody good few days out and about and I'm jealous now, especially because of the weather! One for the NL maybe?
The biggest question hasnn't been answered tho - did Wheely wear his new boots????
Awesome write up and pics, looked like a bloody good few days out and about and I'm jealous now, especially because of the weather! One for the NL maybe?
The biggest question hasnn't been answered tho - did Wheely wear his new boots????
I afraid not..... Wheely's boots came in the car, in a box - and they stayed in the box
Glad in a way as the days were long (day #1 10:30 til 18:20ish & day #2 10:20 til 21:30 !!!!!) - and at least 2 people got feet blisters wearing their 'run in' boots. My Tech 7's performed very well - but I will now sell them else I'll keep them 4ever.
Yep defiantly a good long weekend had by all and special thanks to Richy for doing the work and getting the trip off the ground, also harty for driving the distance to wales
A few pics from the ford crossing a couple of near trout ticklers close richy very nearly mate here he comes - go for it!! and he did lucky escape for geoff not many pictures from me on the first day as i found the strata tame in the sense of been done too many times and the wackmeister needed some fresh material to ride, so this was achieved in the 2nd and third day As rich said this one place is rutted up a bit now but cool to do A tad dusty but worth the ride for the views without a doubt and also new lanes/roads byways ucr's happy wacky!! how about this for the group pic high up on the mountains, on a road aswell As i was leading i did find time to stop and take a few pics of devon's finest out to play then the unfortunate clutch cable went on bens bike but the devon TRF responded with a swift repair instead of leaving him stranded One of the small puddles i had to test as being run leader ben doing the business steve having fun And the 'main man' for getting stuck in all weekend was harty What an idea the wackmeister had to stop of here for munchies and a pint Then an hour later it was getting dark and i had the pleasure of leading my fellow riders down the local lanes in the dusty darkness of night time riding Day three soon appeared and we were off doing some more virgin lanes Still managed to find some of the local welsh mud and wet stuff Also brownie in a dilemma on how to sshut the gate without falling in especially with wackys camera waiting to fire just thought i'd set up a group photo for the website, all riding together, more amazing roads then as rich said we made it to the top of an amazing byway with a view to kill for then i took a pic of steve and the scenery then i had one of those wacky moments and thought i would rest the camera on a post and take a picture of all of us Nope no quite.... have you ever tried running up a steep grassy bank with mx boots on (no tread) and the rest of them laughing their heads off as the camera was ticking down the seconds Laugh or what but the wackmeister never fails
-- Edited by wackyracer on Tuesday 20th of April 2010 08:14:46 PM
Great report and photos ...Thanks to Rich and Wacky putting on a good weekend and the rest of the lads ...And Nick for taking the bikes up!(here is some of my picks )
333 I'm the Devil doing a half arsed job!! "Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul."
What a fantastic weekend - great company and some breathtaking scenery! I'm truly greatful I was able to join in and as Rich said I seemed to have proved my worth pulling stranded bikes out of the gloopy stuff.
Big thanks to Rich and Wacky for leading, sterling job chaps.
Wacky, the pic of you lying down on the slope having not made it to your posing position, PMSL (and the missus)
Here's one of 2 vids I've done so far of the Friday, unfortunately the other has had its sound muted by YouTube due to some copywrite issues . I'll redo it tonight. Vids of Sat yet to be compiled. Watch this space.
-- Edited by Kwaka Geoff on Wednesday 21st of April 2010 05:07:26 PM
-- Edited by Kwaka Geoff on Wednesday 21st of April 2010 05:08:23 PM
Them pics are fantastic Mark, brilliant detail. The pic above is the pic of the weekend for me, just love seeing the 3 other riders behind Geoff in the distance.
Culmstock area - Devon TRF Group member - KTM 690 Enduro
Fan flipping tastic pics and vids....After talking with FUDGE BROWNIE he was saying it was ace and not to be missed next time,.... Ill be planning on tagging along thats for sure.
Watch this space in a few weeks as im having my own little adventure soon, just hope its as much fun and trouble free as this one appared to be..
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character......give him power".....Abraham Lincoln
PS - I really don't think your sprocket started out as 3/4 new, maybe 3/4 done you tyke. Still I'm amazed you managed to do two more days riding on it.
Well, I'm totally hacked off with YouTube. I've made four attempts to upload this 'Part 2' vid (each one taking about 2hrs due to the file size etc... - I do it overnight hence the delay in getting this to you all). Each time it says 'Audio muted' due to some copywrite infringement - ????? I've had emails from YouTube about this before but the site has never muted the audio on what I've uploaded. So, I split down the vid - which contained three music tracks - into three very short clips (quick to upload and teat), each clip with each of the three tracks in order to ascertain which track was causing the problem. Guess what, all three were okay and audio played - huh!? I then made two other attempts with different audio tracks but still the same problem - Grrrr!!!! So, then I'm thinking it may be something to do with the fact I've created MP3's from tracks within my itunes rather than burning from a disc as I've done before. So, I rip from a disc and add those tracks to the vid but still YouTube mutes my audio - GRRRRRR!!!! Final attempt, I use audio which i've used successfully on other vids I've uploaded, STILL YouTube muted it - AGGGGGHHHHHH, I give up!!!!
So, here is Part 2, in silence. Sorry peeps
(Updated Fri 17:30)
Subject to my final quote above, having ripped tracks from a CD rather then converting itunes music to MP3 it seems to have worked, the audio plays. Hoo-bloomin' rah!!! So, here's Part 2 WITH music. (we live and learn )
-- Edited by Kwaka Geoff on Friday 23rd of April 2010 04:39:41 PM
Them pics are fantastic Mark, brilliant detail. The pic above is the pic of the weekend for me, just love seeing the 3 other riders behind Geoff in the distance.
No No....this is the best pic of the lot...
Now your next gadget should be a bilge pump........
RichT4 just gets off his DRZ and walks away as it is standing up in the mud great.
It happened the day before on that bog but I'd chosen a different line, the one Geoff took. That lane was a mare until we gave up trying to follow the line.......
More great vid's there, keep 'um coming Mr Green Ginger.
tha photo's on here just get better, unfortunately I lost the ones I took on my phone. You would be welcome to have a go Pearcy but the bmw's on ebay as we speak, far to good for me also, so am down sizeing a bit.
Here's the final part to our most excellent trip to Wales. Enjoy.
For those who went on the trip and would like these four vid compilations as a keep sake I'll burn them to a disc. Just send me a PM so I know how many to do and indicate how I can get them to you (maybe in person at the next meet?)