We've just come home 'cos they shut our end of the green off for the night. Good day though: Lorn, Nic, Steve XR and Urban John (as well as me) manned the stand all day, while we had guests including, Biff, Brownie, Steveweka, TJ, Doug, Clayton, Jules, Craig, Rob McCarthy, Steve H, Hampster, and many others, busy old stand it was!
Also, between us (but mainly Lorn) we reckon we've got 15-20 new members! Not all of them for our group though, Lorn got one for the west Midlands and a couple for Dorset. Spoke to hundreds of potential members but they were the ones who definately want to join us.
Great spot to sit and watch Steve Colley on his trials bike, The Tigers (a group of kids from 5 up who were brilliant) and of course our very own Jamie Squib who did an excellent show especially when you think how wet and greasy it was.
Yes, it persisted down for most of the day!
But a bit of rain didn't dampen our spirits, no sir not a bit! Great fun was had by all. Still tomorrow to go as well!
I have a hacksaw, welder and a grinder, and I'm not afraid to regret using them!
Thanks guys for manning the DTRFG fort, it was a pleasant surprise to see our stand so busy, i reckon lots of dirty bikes just off the lanes made the right statement.
Thanks lorn for the cake can you bring some with you for next sat ?? or is that to cheeky ?
Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!
Lorn spent two days baking and turned up Frday night with cakes and a dozen Butterfly cakes for Nic - they disappeared into Nics van pretty bloody tout sweet!
Today she took two cakes (cherry and coconut and a tea loaf) flapjacks, muffins, and victoria sandwiches the whole bloody lot has gone!
I have a hacksaw, welder and a grinder, and I'm not afraid to regret using them!
Thanks guys for manning the DTRFG fort, it was a pleasant surprise to see our stand so busy, i reckon lots of dirty bikes just off the lanes made the right statement.
Thanks lorn for the cake can you bring some with you for next sat ?? or is that to cheeky ?
She says yes, what do you want?
I have a hacksaw, welder and a grinder, and I'm not afraid to regret using them!
Was a great day ...big thank you to doug for leading us from Exeter to the bike show some good lanes!!! and lots of horses lol...and thanks guys....especially clay for sorting my puncture...was 2 1/2 inch nail...and it had to start raining hard as we stopped to fix the damn thing!! Was nice to see Lorn ,Dave and other guys on the stand and thanks for the lovely yummy cakes Lorn...... I did managed to talk to a few good people.... a couple from Paignton and a couple from London who are going to check out the trf site....fingers x
Great Day !!!
-- Edited by doug9270 on Sunday 2nd of May 2010 08:38:22 AM
A big WELL DONE to Nick, Steve, Dave & Lorn, for doing such a good job representing DTRF at the Paignton Bike Show, nice T-shirts guys, and thanks to Doug for leading us there by way of some great lanes.
Had a fantastic day myself. Great to meet new faces and see old ones too. Atmosphere was really good and for my first festival, it's left a good impression. I meant to take a load of pictures but I got somewhat distracted by it all. Steve Colley, Jamie Squibb and the young Tigers were all superb.
Weather was crap but all in all, it's been worth getting wet.
Great day, great flapjack and some nice bikes, the BSA sprint bike to our right and the retro chopper with bakelite ammeter won my awards for best bikes! and thanks guys for the ride there and back. Jules and I had a little rest mid lane and I think I caught Bob doing the same!
-- Edited by devondan on Saturday 1st of May 2010 09:40:21 PM
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
What a great day! Thanks to doug for leading us all to the show and thanks to everyone for manning the fort all day. After many kind offers from dave and lorn of cake I didn't get around to eating any;( make the time to get down as a great day awaits
Well day two went well also. It was bloody cold though and a bit rainy first thing which certainly kept the crowds away this morning.
Loads of people about this afternoon and we think we got another five or six new members today so a total of up to 30 probable new members for the various TRF groups (we spoke to guys and gals from London, the Midlands, Cornwall and all points North) so a pretty successful three days.
Amazing how utterly knackering it is being on a stand for a few hours is, and I've got a sore throat from all the gassing I've done to both potential new members and all the current members who have called by to say hello and eat cake....
Think they just came for the cake really!
Thanks to Nic for organising what was a very professional looking stand (we were in the running for best stand) and to SteveXR and Urban John for manning the stand so well.
Oh and to Lorn as well for all the baking and gassing to people she did too.
I have a hacksaw, welder and a grinder, and I'm not afraid to regret using them!
Loads of people about this afternoon and we think we got another five or six new members today so a total of up to 30 probable new members for the various TRF groups (we spoke to guys and gals from London, the Midlands, Cornwall and all points North) so a pretty successful three days.
See - when ever I'm not there He keeps letting the side down....LUNCH IS FOR POOFS
Nice one Peeps - sorry could not make it but had to spend the weekend away at my mates wedding eating free food and drinking free booze all weekend..........glad to hear that despite the weather it seemed to be a sucsess.