I thought I better pop my head in to say all is well up North (well North Somerset).
Spring started with Ben (slick) visiting his mate Kevin in Bath...so it would be rude not to have a day out on the bikes-
All these byways are within ten miles of the centre of Bath-
A great day out.....but this is what happens when you make them stop for a photo I had a couple of rides with the Somerset group...one on the Plain that did not go very well as there was a lot of water about ending in a couple of tow in's and one around Bath again- and finishing off with Andy T (Somerset ROW officer)- Then.........shock/horror........I sold the WR as I wanted to get back into the "big trailie" thing- The last group that I took out were from the XTZ Super Tenere forum,mad-the lot of them
The last run out was down to Cornwall to help Ross and the crew with the special needs trail ride.It was a 350 mile round trip for me but worth every sore bum mile. The best bit was when I took one of the small children out,so small in fact that he had to sit in front of me.Half way around the course ,the bike cut out (second gear/rear wheel lock) and I was presented with the ignition key in his left hand and at the same time he had hit the kill switch with his right. Had a chat with Chris Cole at the end and I think I saw Harty down there with his family. Anyway....I hope you are all well.
Hi Andy It really was a great effort of yours to ride down and back to help us out on Saturday, and then to ride round the forest with our guests aboard your new steed. Good to meet you, and thanks for what you did on behalf of all those smiley faces.
Hi Andy It really was a great effort of yours to ride down and back to help us out on Saturday, and then to ride round the forest with our guests aboard your new steed. Good to meet you, and thanks for what you did on behalf of all those smiley faces.
Thanks Ross....It was my pleasure,but it's you and all the helpers that deserve the praise.
My lad Tom has had a bit of support in the past,so it's nice to put a "bit back in the pot",so to speak.
Nice one Andy, the plains really suit the big tralies. Looking to go and do a plain run sometime in late August, will keep you posted.
I'm away the last two weeks in August but free on the Aug bank hoilday Sunday/Monday if you want a guide. If those dates don't fit in your plans then give me a shout and I'll send down the the "range open" info and any route details,if you need them.
One thing that is a shame this year..is that the Imber range/village will not be open for the normal two week shut down, and now will only be open for a weekend,mid-September. Still plenty to see though.