I think the wanderers have returned but no details of adventures posted here or on Yahoo. Anyone going to give us some details or is it being saved for the newsletter?
-- Edited by TTR on Tuesday 21st of September 2010 06:22:57 PM
Still feeling too knackered to do much Chris! I haven't done anything for the Newsletter but am hoping that maybe the elusive "someone else" will take up the challenge this year
Players were: Olly Cooke (Tour Leader and Organiser Extraordinaire), Adrian (aka Biker) Harris, bro' Trevor and myself in Van 1, Jim and Alison Pinnock in Van 2 and Paul and Lynn Studley in Van 3. We stayed at the same B&B in Anascaul and it all worked out fine. Missing the full Irish breakfasts and the special Kerry seafood chowder though......
Lots of adventures, some fabulous riding, much of it quite challenging. The weather was kind and not too much "Irish mist" or "soft days" this year. However that meant five and a half days consecutive riding which explains why I still feel so knackered - in a good way
The ladies did brilliantly and no mishaps to peeps or bikes of any great consequence.
I have lots of pics and videos as we pooled everything we took each day for an evening viewing. I won't publish anyone else's pics or videos and will leave it to each David Bailey to do their own thing. I am currently uploading a couple of videos and some pics just to give a flavour of the riding.
The fuchsia hedges were in full bloom although there seemed less of them than last year. The mountain tops provided us with stunning views as well as the satisfaction of having ridden to their peaks.
I hope I get the invite again next year as there is some unfinished business with a particular mountain I can't think where else compares for such great trail riding.
I bottled out of riding my TTR down so walked down to the point instead - after taking a few pics. Did I say that I suffer with vertigo?
A lovely view across the bay from the track on the side of the mountain. We are still quite a ways up. A new mountain for me that we didn't do last year.
Ireland is now on my list of "To Do" items. It looks very nice, green and empty. Stunning views. Let's be having more shots and vids, please. TTRs can go anywhere and everywhere, by the looks of things. Martyn
You're never too old to learn something stupid.
TTR250 but now a mobility scooter Budleigh Salterton
TTRs can go anywhere and everywhere, by the looks of things. Martyn
Three TTRs on the adventure Martyn and all ran like turbines for the week and weren't phased by the toughest bog field or rocky hill climb. One or two of the TTR riders may have felt the pressure at times though
This was the only pic of the three TTRs and riders together.
-- Edited by TTR on Tuesday 21st of September 2010 09:38:22 PM
Another group pic by a peat "hag" - weird structures created by the wind - loads more in the background. L to R Adrian, Olly, Cap'n Paul, Lynn, Trout Tickler Trev, Big Jim and Alison.
Another mountain top view
It wasn't all plain sailing - lots of soft spots to watch out for. Team work is essential as is keeping in view of each other!
My lucky leprechaun wasn't lucky for others and ended up being blindfolded the next day
This was one of those trips I will never forget. Not only was it a fabulous place to be with stunning views in every direction, but the company was great as well. No pastie stops, but there were excellant alteratives The photos are good, but you need to be there to take it all in Its the end of another fantastic day on the mountains, all looking very tired and the rainbow is a reminder that we had a little mist earlier on
-- Edited by Trout Tickler on Wednesday 22nd of September 2010 08:21:57 PM