After I wash my enduro jacket, and it has dried I apply a liberal dose of tent waterproofer using an old muc-off sprayer. I will have a look later for the brand of waterproofer.
I used to buy it in an aerosol can, but found it way too expensive.
The last dosing has lasted 12 months or more, and is still completely watertight. Next time I wash it I will have to go over it again. I also use it on the back of my gloves.
Trousers ..... don't have a problem there as the leathers are waterproof !
Politicians are like nappies. They need changing often, and usually for the same reason.
This is the answer - I'd never use anything else these days. Its a product called Renapur - google it - beeswax based leather treatment that also works brilliantly on cordura type fabrics. I bought a small tub of it the Ally Pally bike show years ago to treat my road leathers, the woman told me at the time it was good for fabrics aswell. Been using it on my Sinisalo jacket and it works a treat. Bit of a faff to put it on - you have to apply it with a sponge and work it well in. Non greasy, odourless -tho smells like honey when you first put it on. 12 quid for a little tub might seem like alot, but it lasts forever. Do it once, then do it again a few weks later and after that it seems to last for ages. And its very good on leather aswell. Used it on my road kit for years, cleans, nourishes ,waterproofs. Those bees really know their stuff!!!
I've tried the wash in Nikwax stuff - great for 5 minutes, but doesnt last at all - expensive waste of time, in my opinion. Same with the spray on stuff.
renapur is the best stuff ever for leather- softens and waterproofs. The water just forms beads on its surface. I didnt realise it would go on fabric- My jacket is in for a week end treat.
I keep bees and occassionally make up a polish of one part canubra wax, 10 parts bees wax, one part real turpentine (not white spirit or turps subs!!) and infuse with oil of rosemary or lavender. fantastic on boots, all leather, furniture etc... never tried it on modern bike gear, but probably would go on one of the oltimers bellstaff style waxed jackets
Me I just seem to leak on the inside, so getting a drop of rain on me is no problem!!!
Will try and get some Renapur as I have used that on leather one piece suits in the past to good effect. Got to do something as the so-called waterproof trousers I had on today may as well have been made of paper for all the good they did. They have a plastic membrane liner and that leaked
Will treat the trousers and see if that helps.....or I'll end up wearing camo waterproofs under the enduro trousers, as wearing them on the outside causes them to shred on the brambles.
Caution - the poster may well have been drinking........
Yes it is......but my idea of fun is not having soaking wet undercrackers and a horrid squelching feeling when going from standing to sitting
On the plus side - the new knee length Seal Skinz I got from our TRF friendly shop in Paignton were ace....just need to get them to make a whole trail riding suit out of the same stuff now
Caution - the poster may well have been drinking........
Nik Wax Tent and Gear Proofer, Throw the instructions away and use the entire spray bottle on one jacket and one pair of trousers.
Get the whole lot drenched and dripping in the stuff and then let it dry "Perfick"
As for washing before hand Dont, did that to a good waterproof coat a few years ago and totally buggered it up, so never again.
All I need now is a pair of waterproof boots, somewhere there must be a pair of good old Dunlop trials wellies, Steel toe caps, steel plate in the sole, heavy protection up the shins and on both ankle bones,
Riding with enthusiasm upon the ragged precipice of disaster
Its not only the waterproofer you use but the weave of the fabric, if the jacket has a loose weave and breaths nicely then it doesn't matter how water proof you make the fibres the water may get through in the holes between the fibres. Hence waxed cotton to fill the gaps. If you could just wash your cotton shirt in Thompsons water seal life would be so much easier.
My advice? buy a water proof jacket in the first place!
If anyone solves this cunundrum let me know, I have a parachute that makes a great tent but nothing will water proof it! except perhaps varnish?!!
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
Got a Fox clear over jacket, (from Albion) from the missus, works a treat, tho lots of p*ss taking from the usual suspects RFX enduro trouser working well (over boot), from Albion + seal skinz @ Camoflauge