I am looking into competing in a few organised events this year (first time) and I have a few questions that I hope someone can help me with?
Is an ACU license all that is required to do enduro type events in the South West?
On the ACU license form it asks for the club that I am affiliated to sign the form?? I'm not a member of any MX clubs and don't intend to race MX, so is there a local alternative club that I can join so that I can have the form signed?
If I registered to compete with an organiser like Action South West, would they sign the form?
If its an ACU event you'll need a licence, I think its £45 ish for the year (not sure if you may be able to get a day licence?) Have a look at the ACU website. I get mine through the MCC, but there are other cheaper clubs that are affiliated.
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
Not all clubs are ACU, Theres also amca, Orpa, etc Most trials & LDT are ACU - An ACU trial licence is £12 a year I think Enduro / MX licences are about £46 or you can get a day licence which are generally £10 that last for just one event, so you need to look at how many events your likely to be riding, which clubs & which banner they fly under !
-- Edited by fred on Friday 7th of January 2011 09:40:37 PM
dont bother with the acu licence . if you are going to ride all the events for one club like asw then buy a licence through them that they operate under for the season.if you are going to pick and chose your events then just buy the day licence.
Who ever you decide to join, don't forget to check out the insurance cover they provide when competing, most clubs are covered by the organisation they belong to, ACU, AMCA or ORPA and the cover they provide varies considerably!
Don't think your mate won't claim because it was a racing accident, they will when the bills have to be paid!