build quality reportedly a bit iffy in places but nothing too serious. It is sort of like a kit bike compared to the main stream manufacturers. Good level of equipment though - (suspension & brakes) shares many parts with the DRZ - mainly engine and gear box.
If it's the 404DS model it seems to be a gd'n. You can switch between enduro wheels and supermoto's - but dont forget to change your spedo if you swap wheels regularly as you will clock up incorrect mileage. As Harty said good reliable DRZ400 engine. They seem to be sought after too so will always fetch decent money.
I have had my CCM 404 ds for 18 mths now and have ridden it in somerset devon dorset wiltshire and wales including The Gap and a very wet Strata Florida, without any major problem. As already mentioned it has the bullet proof DRZ motor , and White Power(KTM) suspension . Wheel hubs are AJP with 8mm stainless spokes and Brembo brakes all top quality stuff. It has Acumen digital dash with mileage , Trip mileage , Clock, and miles/ kilometers at the press of a button. Poor points are swing arm bearings are only protected by a double o ring seal so they need regular maintenance if the bike is ridden in wet conditions , bearings are a tenner each. tuck all carb breather and overflow pipes up by the air box and make sure the air box drain pipe is kept clear.
Haines of Cinderford are excellent for mail order spares with a good web site. www.
On trail gearing i get 60 miles to the gallon and about 125 miles before reserve, with a 2 litre reserve. I run a michelin AC10 on the front with a MT 43 on the rear.
I bought it from a Devon TRF member in Barnstaple via a for sale add on this site.
As with any trail bike it will respond well to plenty of tlc . Hope this helps and dont hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. A good source of info is www.
In theory it should be better in terms of the ride - better suspension and brakes, put prob the trade off is a bit more routine maintenance will be required than the Suzuki. The Engine will also require the usual cheap and easy DRZ locktite fixes.
Dan (and yes I own a DRZ!)
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
Yep a great bike and - I've got of those too! Only mine isn't so shiney! But in reality the later GG 450 is a better bet as they has sorted the starting issues.
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
Cos he's too busy collecting the bits that fall off his Orange bike !!!
Seriously when asking people about bike choice, its like asking about what oil to use or what tyres to use - far too many opinions and lots of P+ss taking depending on whose bike broke down last!!
One thing most people do agree on however is that the TTR 250 or the CRF 230 is a great starter bike for the lanes.
As for the rest ......... !!
Oh and a Gasgas is so much prettier than a KTM !!!
Sorry just seen the bit about the Beta, its a very capable bike but again needs a bit of care and attention.
-- Edited by devondan on Sunday 9th of January 2011 08:26:51 PM
-- Edited by devondan on Sunday 9th of January 2011 08:27:55 PM
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
Long story mate, but I have never been on a ride with one (and have been on rides with a few) that hasn't packed up or failed to start - may be coincidence, may be but...........
All light harted stuff but....... I have been out with Dan on his and it failed to start and most every stop, Harty will concur on his runs and tell you a few storys about the one he had
Just facts from personal experiance - not 'legends'......
As Dan says you'll get lots of different answers - and for the record the last bike to brake down on one of my runs was a KTM and it was yesterday.................but I'd still not touch on of those gassers with a barge pole Biff's 300 ec yes.....but one of them..........never.....
I'm not mentioning GG's, but I know even with the new 450's, 'Lost' also had issues with his.
TTR250 is the perfect bike to start with, there'll be one on the forum later this week(once the new piston rings and stem oil seals have been fitted) for about £1200
-- Edited by Harty on Sunday 9th of January 2011 08:45:07 PM
Culmstock area - Devon TRF Group member - KTM 690 Enduro
To be fair I've had mine for 2 years now, done the Lands end on it - and once and only once has it fully let me down, which was at Haccadown, when the relay finally bit the dust and enabled me to find that intermittant fault.
Last ride I went on a DRZ broke down!
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
Well, not really. A THC chain split link broke - which was a maintenence error on my part. I tried to 'improve' a bad fitting link. The DRZ was still willing to run - you cheeky man. I fitted a back up link and was off again.
And in 7 so years that I've own my DRZ this was the only time my DRZ has caused others to stop and wait, I'll have you know.
I'd have to say the DRZ is one of the most reliable bikes out there, it powerfull and also ecconomical.
I like the looks and idea behind the GG450's but after hearing about the troubles others have had I don't think I'd have one.
Not really but I just thought the record needed to be set straight.
I can't have any GG mud tarnishing the good rep of the mighty DRZ, it's bad enough GG copied the top end for the 400! Suzuki should have said no, design your own.
-- Edited by RichT4 on Sunday 9th of January 2011 09:43:47 PM
On a side note, after faffing around with the replacement chain split link this weekend I decided I just can't trust it (or that cheap chain) any more as it's close to the end of it life. So it's all been binned. Lets see how long the new RK chain & Stealth rear sprockets last.
Oh, fresh chain & sprockets.. It'll feel like a brand new bike again for about 2 rides.
A test ride around the field ave on my 450 gas gas later model is the one to go for 06reg or later starter behind the cylinder model, only real prob ive had was putting in to much oil and blew the oil seal to the water pump will not do that again apart from that no other issues i can recall ccm they did have probs with finish and sealing the airbox to water ingress ? have u considered crf450 honda