There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
Culmstock area - Devon TRF Group member - KTM 690 Enduro
Harty wrote:Kev, have you got 'Peter BC' round your place? He's usually spouting a load of **** on the forum about this time as well
Kev, have you got 'Peter BC' round your place? He's usually spouting a load of **** on the forum about this time as well
devondan wrote:............................Going to bed cos I've got a Country to run tomorrow!
............................Going to bed cos I've got a Country to run tomorrow!
devondan wrote:Classic song! best by Muse.
Classic song! best by Muse.
CO2 more slippery than prison soap!
KTM Sunday = ATM Monday
DTRF kd101146eb
nickpdo wrote:Wifey is away for the weekend, thought I did well well by booking a babysitter for an hour after she left, - nope, she checked in via the house phone!
Wifey is away for the weekend, thought I did well well by booking a babysitter for an hour after she left, - nope, she checked in via the house phone!