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Post Info TOPIC: Is it me or are we lacking run leaders?

Devon's Best

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Is it me or are we lacking run leaders?

Just a point of view, when I joined the TRF a year ago there were more than a few offers, now distinctively lacking...........



KTM Sunday = ATM Monday 

DTRF kd101146eb

Devon's Best

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Usually no shortage of followers but I posted a round dartmoor ride last week and no-one said they wanted to come so it is postponed. Perhaps the somerset trf event clashing did not help. I often post rides at very short notice so keep looking on the forum

I notice a number of runs being posted are already quite full. There are very likely a lot of rides going on that do not get advertised as people are hooking up with others who are local to them.

The forum is an ideal tool for arranging rides, sometimes you can tempt others out by requesting a ride, suggesting a date and asking for a leader to show you round another area. A group of Cornish TRF did just that a few weeks ago and seemed to enjoy Devon, the DTRFG members who went down to Cornwall recently were full of praise for the Cornish lads who reciprocated by providing a leader for their visitors.

DTRF has regional run co-ordinators who will try to put you in touch with a leader either local to you, or for the area you want to ride. See the DTRFG website for details, or use the group contact named inside the back page of Trail for other areas.

I seem to recall that one aspiration for new members used to be to lead a run by the time they had been a member for a year. With gps technology and DTRFGs overlays it is now easier than ever to find the lanes so we should have no shortage of potential leaders....



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I think part of the problem is that there hasn't been many new run leaders in a while...

The longer standing run leaders are probably preoccupied with one thing or another, plus they've done there share of riding the same routes - time to pass on the torch.

My take on it is that you need a steady stream of new run leaders, and runners, to keep regular runs being advertised as after a while the existing leaders will come out less and less and will want to start exploring other regions or put thatvtime into other activities.

I know that advertising a run can be very hit and miss in my area. Sometimes the run will fill quickly, other times your lucky to get a couple of buddies to ride with - crazy..
Summer is here for me now so I won't be out on the bike much at all locally, but if we have a rainy spell I might be tempted to strap on the old boots. biggrin

Another thing I haven't seem many of is run requests, that could be all that is needed to convince a run leader to get on out....
From a forum point of view there doesn't seem to be a problem - not many runs and not many people asking for runs either, although I have seema  couple recently. If more people requested a run I'm sure that'd provoke a run from an established run leader or one of the requesters would decided to have a go for the fun of it.

Remember - squeaky wheel gets the grease!wink



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Greetings from Marrakech!! My last day here in Morroco. Flying home tonight.
Had a great time , but have not managed to get any trail riding in this trip. :(

So looking forward to getting out on the Devon lanes over the next couple of long weekends! Thank heavens for Royal weddings at least the roads should be quiet for us Bikers!

The point of this message is just to say I will be posting some rides up leaving from Crediton , when I get home. If anyone is interested? Oh, and Pete I would like to come on your next round Dartmoor trip please?

There you go Nick, one more run leader......

-- Edited by Tigerman on Saturday 16th of April 2011 07:51:03 AM


Adventure before dementia. KTM 500 exc >Devon TRF Member.     

Devon's Best

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Posts: 2009

Ah Grasshopper! the age old question.  To be a leader or a follower?

Or  How many times has this subject come up?

There are a lot of run leaders out there myself included, who now dont post that many runs now as they are tired of leading all the time.  You dont really get to enjoy a ride when you lead but you do it for the benefit of others

Remember run leaders are not paid, and I have been mucked about that much in the past, by members deciding that with only minimum warning that they are not coming because, they dont like the look of the weather, they have to go shopping or even worse dont even bother to let you know they are not coming

I have given up my day to take people out, and end up as happened recently a run of eight ended as a run of two, because it was raining. If it wasnt for the fact that one person had travelled a long way, I would have cancelled the ride, as it was we had a great day.

That was not an isolated incident, I had one lady rider who booked on a ride with a friend, made an excuse why she wasnt coming,  only to find a couple of days later that she was out on a ride that was closer to her home

Need more run leaders,  get out and start leading, but dont expect the favour to be returned by all you take out


-- Edited by Hoops on Saturday 16th of April 2011 08:56:15 AM

Riding with enthusiasm upon the ragged precipice of disaster

Devon's Best

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Fair comments, it just seems that things have dried up a bit - no pun intended!
Now I have the trailer down off the wall I think new devon lanes which are further afield are on the cards....... Strangely enough run requests do seem be almost non existent ?



KTM Sunday = ATM Monday 

DTRF kd101146eb


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A point to bear in mind is that not all members choose to use this forum (either at all or to advertise runs) and not all rides get reports posted here either.



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Nick many people forge their own links with fellow riders after they have been out for a few runs and subsequently this leads to runs not advertised, not necessarily meaning not to post em on here but if the ride is full there's little point in posting for more riders smile

I'll happily take people out and about but only like smaller groups at the moment, plus my clearing activities take a chunk out of riding time cry

I also enjoy exploring new roads and always looking for the new adventure biggrin

Crazy as it sounds peoples local areas can get quite boring and can stagnate things some what wink

BUT having said all of the above I'm willing to lead anyone if they want to go out anywhere (well almost anywherewink) just give us a shout smile  even kevred biggrinbiggrinbiggrin

Valid point he raised at the meeting this week just gone



'He who dares wins'

trf member ;-)  qy100112bw


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I concur with Wacky biggrin.

Personally, I have a lot on my plate at present it being silly-season at work and the bike issues I have had (hopefully now sorted biggrin).

I am more than happy to lead runs if they are requested. But as Ian says, many a run is between friends and at short notice as the time allows, e.g. I took the DRZ out last night for an evening run with Merlin after replacing all the bearings in the rear suspension. Finished off with a pint of real ale.  Very nice it was too biggrinbiggrinbiggrin.



V Twin Funster



Devon's Best

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its just the way things go from time to time peeps, this time of year is always busy for all the guys, members, run leaders, and officers alike.

Leading runs is not difficult, you dont need to have a encyclopedic knowledge of devon lanes, two mates out on the bikes for a couple of hours slowly building a route is a run.

Practice the route and ask two more mates and its a bigger run, bobs yer uncle you are a run leadersmilesmile

Once thats routes in your head plan another short route and learn that one, i found a strange thing then happends, you naturally find your way tween the two route and the lanes in between.


Getting out with our classic big run leaders is great but its so easy to help yourself when they aint available. Pete bull and Mark "gasser" Edwards and others were new to this game once and they didn't get were they are by waiting for others. just go for it folks!


If you want to try a new area put a post up asking for a MM route, some one will help out.





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Is there a way of passing on the knowledge.

I know there are maps, GPs etc, but what about an equivilent of shared knowledge but helping people that are interested planning and leading a run???

As limited as my skills are I would be happy to assist.confuse



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Paul Farrow wrote:

Is there a way of passing on the knowledge.

I know there are maps, GPs etc, but what about an equivilent of shared knowledge but helping people that are interested planning and leading a run???

As limited as my skills are I would be happy to assist.confuse

I think this sort of thing was suggested for the last group meeting (mapping) but due to lack of interest didn't go ahead. 



Devon's Best

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Common sense really, half a dozen things spring to mind

Somewhere to go;
Marked map\tracklog
Spend some time beforehand to familiarise yourself with your planned route by running your finger over the map a number of times. You may be planning to follow a gps but they are not infallible and it is often necessary to rearrange the intinerary to accommodate unforseeable delays.
The nearest lane to the last one is the next one: minimum tarmac + maximum unsealed = good route.
The route will depend upon availability of lanes and ability of riders. When you know what is coming up you might want to run a loop one way or the other to enjoy\avoid going up a particular hill
Plan for 10 lanes\hour on average. 5\hour for novices\exploring and max 15\hour on a good day in an area you know well.
Petrol needed at least every 60 miles for thirsty gassers

Brief them beforehand on what is expected from them.
Make them aware they are responsible for making sure that the person following them knows where to go next. Everbody must look behind at each junction, if the rider behind is not able to see them turning then they must wait so nobody gets lost by being left behind.
Tell them it is not a race, someone will wait for them. Ensure nobody feels under pressure to ride faster than that with which they are comfortable, you will have longer to wait if they fall off trying too hard.
One rider, preferably with a bright headlight, should stay at the back to be your Tail End Charlie, this saves having to count heads to be sure everbody is there because you can move on when you see the light.

At the very least carry,
The tools you need to fix a puncture
A mobile phone
A paper map in case the gps dies

Brief the group beforehand, the TRF max speed and other guidelines are worth reiterating, have the courage to turn away any excessively loud machinery.
Taking non TRF members out encourages them to get involved by giving them a taste of what we do, set a limit of one or two rides and tell them to join if they want to come again. Show, but do not let them copy, the map to encourage them to join by letting them see what is on offer.
No overtaking (unless to avoid a collision)
Stop engines for horses
Second rider opens gates, third closes
It is not normally necessary to stop at the end of every lane if everyone looks out for everyone else.
Gather your group from time to time to give people time to rest

Take names, trf membership numbers, addresses for the run sheet or send the tracklog with the riders details to
The fact that the lanes were ridden will thereby be added to our user evidence database
Take photos of any obstructions encountered and pass them along with your complaint to the PROW dept of Devon County Council, copy this to DTRF ROW officer

DTRF has done a great deal of work to ensure our lanes database is up to date and legal.
When challenged riding a lane on the TRF database you will be able to say that you ride on the basis that
1.There is no sign saying you should not. IE; no Traffic Regulation Order signage displayed prohibiting vehicular traffic.
2.The way is not recorded on the definitive map as either a Footpath or Bridleway or Restricted Byway.
3.The way is recorded as maintainable at public expense by the County Council in the same way as all other minor roads.
4.There is no record of the way being stopped up whereby a court could have removed public rights.
The four things above are the only reasons why we may not legally drive motorcycles.
Most other arguments advanced amount to prejudice, often understandably inflamed by antisocial behaviour.

Ask who they are. If someone will not tell me their name I will withold mine.
You should ask the basis upon which their challenge to you is based.
Ask for specific details of any reasons they advance.
Who ,what ,where ,when ,why and how.
Ask for the dates of alleged Stopping Up or Definitive Map Modification Orders or occasions of antsocial behaviour.
If vagueness results suspect NIMBYism.

I have on a number of occasions had to call someone a liar when they have falsely claimed a way had been downgraded or stopped up.

Be sympathetic if they complain about the behaviour of other lane users and ask what response their complaint received at the time concerning any previous events they refer to. Be prepared to disount as irrelevant any such alleged event when they have not made an official complaint because if they were not bothered enough to compain at the time then why bother you now?
Ask for specific details so you can follow up allegations of antisocial behaviour. The TRF is keen to disassociate itself from such and can use it's influence positively. Tell them about our Code of Conduct.

If they claim any of the four points above is false then tell them where to go................
to check the facts for themselves should they doubt what you tell them.
*(County Hall at Exeter is where the Devon highways network records are kept.)
They may be unaware that the way is recorded as a public road or they may simply be prejudiced NIMBYs.
A few simple questions will reveal which.
Simple education can correct the misaprehension that a way does not hold vehicular status as well as providing directions to the doubters.

Should they persist once made aware the way is recorded as public and that you are not prohibited and that checks have been performed to that end,then ask them to
go away and check their facts.

Remain polite.

Welcome any threats made to call the police and point out that the police will provde you a service by removing them from your path.

Tell them that you will report any obstructive ,threatening or abusive behaviour and use the links on the TRf site to contact Highways or PROW departments at County Hall regarding any obstructions and use the Devon Police non emergency line to report threats. Use 999 if violence results.

Don't turn around otherwise the NIMBY is empowered and will continue to accost people.
If the conversation becomes circular tell them where to go (see*above) if they doubt what you have told them and carry on your way.

Simple really.

(All the above having been said I should apologise for my usual habit of turning up with no plan, setting off straight away and not stopping all day)


Devon's Best

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Posts: 2009

Paul Farrow wrote:

Is there a way of passing on the knowledge.

I know there are maps, GPs etc, but what about an equivilent of shared knowledge but helping people that are interested planning and leading a run???

As limited as my skills are I would be happy to assist.confuse

As per Lorange's post, Pick up a map learn a small route, and then slowly expand on it.  I was doing that on my own long before I joined or even knew about the TRF or even considered leading runs.

I spend days riding routes on my own, and only very seldom do I meet up with other riders. If members are only going out with a run when do they get to learn.  Solo riding is a great method of building skills and confidence, which are essential when playing the leaders role. If you are having to concentrate hard on your own riding how can you look after your followers properly, and end up not enjoying leading or riding.

Maybe this is why there are few run leaders, the majority do not feel confident of their basic abilities to lead a run. My advice, Just get out and ride  






Riding with enthusiasm upon the ragged precipice of disaster


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Just a Thought smile


Clubman A

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I was a novice then I became a run leader (mainly due to the lack of organised rides).  In fact until quite recently, all I seemed to do was lead runs, and as someone mentioned earlier it's not that much fun leading all the time. Then there is filling in the run sheet and doing the report after leading all day!!!!

  Surely It's easier to say nothing, post nothing  and have a good day with a couple of mates and forego the rest of the formalities? Ok so I know this isn't what the TRF stands for but for some time poor individuals this approach has to be easier? 

Recently, I decided to join a few runs and enjoy some time as a rider. But with a couple of exceptions there are only last minute runs on offer if any at all.

This has gone on for several weeks, so thats why I commented as I did in the last meeting. 

If more people posted rides then I could choose weather to be a rider or a leader. I like leading (but not every weekend) and I would take my share of leading runs, if I could join a few as a rider too.

If you want my honest opinion I have been a member since November. I think the TRF is a valiant cause, but it seems that of late I have done all the giving when it comes to organising and leading rides.

I get peed off with the lack of organisation and the members that say "maybe I will do a ride at the weekend" crap.

How hard is it to know when your off in a couple of weeks to post a run and then turn up to lead it? 

At the meeting Steve asked why the TRF is not keeping it's members? Could this be part of the answer? 

I think some of the longer standing members should set an example to novices and junior members by leading rides and posting on a regular basis. 

If not won't new members just take the overlays and not renew? 

Just the opinion of a junior member blankstare








Devon TRF Member - Cullompton - Mid Devon

DRZ 400S - Yamaha Tenere XT660z - Triumph Daytona T595 

Devon's Best

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A perennial problem Kev

When I have time to give notice I'll post rides but a lot are very short notice, and I'll ride whether or not someone wants to follow. Most rides are solo.

There has never been a structure or formal framework around which rides are organised.
Maybe the group has now grown enough to support the idea.
Possibly one beginners, and one run for more experienced riders scheduled each month TBA at the monthly meeting as part of the monthly agenda?

Always dificult to rely upon unpaid volunteers who are likely to melt away in the face of criticism, but we have strength in depth now with hundreds of members.

We cover a very large area and cannot expect to put something on in every area regularly but there is a list of Run Co-ordinators for the different areas who will put potential riders in touch with people locally, this is a service which appears quite unappreciated by most if they are aware of it at all.

So should we organise more runs or encourage people to take advantage of and use the framework which is already on offer, or both?

PS Thursday 21st 10am start from Sainsburys Penn Inn roundabout Newton Abbot, see Runs\Rideouts section



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i was asked at the last meet why i had been quiet on the forum re leading runs etc et,

the thing is (as stated above by other members) i am bored sh*tless with riding my area as i have done it to death,
the thrill for me now is new lanes/areas which means i am not leading but part of a group!

agree with the comments above re leading, it can be quite boring as it feels like you are riding on your own all day.

last month rich t4 asked for a run around here and i mentioned it to a few of the lads on our social nite and it was full within 5mins so couldn't even put it on the forum or i would have had 14-15 riders!

when i 1st got my gps i loved doing a route and following it blindly, that to me is the answer!

get together with a couple of gps equipped riders and take turns leading a route you have made!




Devon's Best

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Remember the TRF is primarily not a riding club.


the statment below is from the National homepage.


The organisation that represents responsible trail riders

Preserving historic, public rights of way for the benefit of all user groups

Working to ensure local councils and highways authorities carry out their statutory rights of way duties

Campaigning for the fair and equitable treatment of all countryside user groups

Lobbying government against the exercise of prejudice in respect of countryside access issues


The Trail Riders Fellowship was established in 1970, since when the organisation has been heavily involved in preserving access to, and helping to maintain standards of, public rights of way throughout England and Wales.

Your support helps us to keep hundreds of miles of historic routes open for use by many thousands of responsible countryside users.


As all members are equal and volunteers the numbers of runs depends on the available time and enthusiasm of those capable and willing to lead.


I agree that a structured runs calender with each area offering at least i normal and one novice ride each month would be lovely.


but that would need some one to organise it...........................


Anyone got any experience herding cats ?




East Devon. TRF member.............


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It does sound a little like the reason for joining the TRF is being confused. It's about protecting the lanes & using the lanes. It's a tool to enable you to find like minded people to ride with locally or further a field. It's also protection against prosecution if a NIMBY tries to make up their own laws and enforce them. It isn't really a guarantee of a run leader for each member on regular basis though (sadly) - maybe it should be?
I've also noticed it's gone quiet for open runs around my local area recently, especially weekend rides, and by recently I mean all winter! I don't ride on my own so if no-one wants to ride that weekend then I don't ride. I normally lead though as I quite enjoy it, but like everyone here has said - it's nice to have someone else lead from time to time.
kevinred wrote:

Then there is filling in the run sheet and doing the report after leading all day!!!!

 I know exactly where you coming from here Kev - that was starting to get to me also but add to that work load editing a load of video footage as well. The end result was that I sold the video camera as stills are quicker to deal with. Cut the run reports down the bare minimum - just a few words and some piccies and I just stored the track logs from the run as I never got around to doing the run sheet - far too labour intensive.

Thing is now there is a program that fills out the run sheet for you so you can just email in the tracklog and give a list of all the runners and the sheet will be created for you - I find that much easier as I'm sure are many others.wink




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Don't also forget that because you lead a run doesn't mean you have to do the run report on the forum or a record sheet of the lanes you've ridden, delegate that to a member of your run if you want to!  Personally I've never seen the appeal of video, either in watching or preparing/editing them - too much work and if I'm blunt if you've seen a video clip of a bike going down one lane, you've seen them all (just my opinion mind, I know lots of people love vids of rideouts and appreicate I'm in the minority here).

My own situation has meant that I haven't been out on the bike since November/December last year otherwise I would be leading/taking part in runs.  That said I posted a few runs last year, including night time outings which are awesome, but there was zero interest.



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kevinred wrote:



 I have done all the giving when it comes to organising and leading rides.

I get peed off with the lack of organisation and the members that say "maybe I will do a ride at the weekend" crap.

How hard is it to know when your off in a couple of weeks to post a run and then turn up to lead it? 


I think some of the longer standing members should set an example to novices and junior members by leading rides and posting on a regular basis


 You came in just as I backed off - In fact as I recall I took you on your 1st run ?

"How hard is it to know when your off in a couple of weeks to post a run and then turn up to lead it?" 

Well in my case very actually, and I really take issue with your comment  "maybe I will do a ride at the weekend crap". Due to my work/home life having changed of late I find it very difficult to commit in advance but do what I can - I did offer to do a run for you a few weeks back, rearranged a lot of stuff and got myself off call to do it for you and the YOU ****ed off and took a ride else where without having the good manners to let me know - so I won't be doing that again.

I don't post as many runs as I used to simply because I cant make that advanced commitment any more but, as I always have am happy to do a ride if i can for ANYONE that asks if I can. I used to (along with Doug) post rides EVERY weekend - but like you found that it was all give - even trying to get someone to take a few pics or do a report was to much......


So - I did, I have, I tried - and as one who did so find some of your comments very offensive and upsetting and if thats the view and 'expectation' of a 'junior' (what ever that means) member then to hell with it - we are all members of the same ranking in my eyes and should all contribute what we can and how we can.



'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'

Clubman A

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jt wrote:
 and as one who did so find some of your comments very offensive and upsetting and if thats the view and 'expectation' of a 'junior' (what ever that means) member then to hell with it - we are all members of the same ranking in my eyes and should all contribute what we can and how we can.


 JT this is not a personal dig directed at anyone including you, it was not meant to provoke or upset either. If it has I apologise as this was not my intention. I can only talk generally, as everyones circumstances are different. 

I decided to join the ride the other week that was most likely to happen, rather then end up without a ride. Nothing personal just I wanted to be sure of filling my limited time with a ride in a new area, which as it happened I really enjoyed. I would also love to go on a ride out with you again as long as we can synchronise our busy diaries! You would be welcome to join one of my rides too? 

The question was raised at the meeting by Steve the other week about retaining members as many do not renew after the first year. Also with this post which I feel is related regarding the lack of organised ride outs, thats why I have commented. 

I personally feel that members leave or rather do not renew, due to this point. They have the overlays and have made a few friends to ride with so why bother, some people couldn't care less about the politics of the TRF, they just like to ride. I maybe wrong? 

Roger raised points about what the TRF stands for - Yes I suppose its not an organisation with ride outs as its primary concern, but would it improve the club? would it help us retain members? its a discussion worth having isn't it?

Who would organise or "heard the cats"??? If the committee decides a formal approach is needed I would volunteer to lead a couple of regular rides a month, I'm sure several other would to? it's an idea? 

I do feel Im a junior member as I have been a member for such a little time. Im certanly not a novice but Im not an old hand either. I have had a few smacked wrists for being naughty by TRF standards, and I still feel I'm learning the ropes as it were. 

I would like to be an active member of a club I'm proud to be in, I would love to become an "old hand" and guide others as JT and Tigerman did for me when I started. I ask questions whenever I have them and I help others when I can as many do here.

But the facts and questions remain;

Why do members not renew after the first year?  

How come the lead ride outs have dwindled lately? 


Still open for discussion? 

-- Edited by kevinred on Sunday 17th of April 2011 10:09:19 AM


Devon TRF Member - Cullompton - Mid Devon

DRZ 400S - Yamaha Tenere XT660z - Triumph Daytona T595 


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But the facts and questions remain;

Why do members not renew after the first year?  

How come the lead ride outs have dwindled lately? 


Still open for discussion? 

1/ Cause your right they have the O/Lays and see it as a riding club...hmm.....If I post a ride I'll get 6 riders within a day and will turn folks away, post a day at a MX track and you'll get 20 responses in a few days.


Post for help with a horse event, other event, or lane clearing amd see how many folks you get to pitch up hmm


2/ Speaking personally - the rides have not dwindled - but the advertisment/write ups have, and I think thats the case with many 'old hands'.


3/ Yes



'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'

Clubman A

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jt wrote:

But the facts and questions remain;

Why do members not renew after the first year?  

How come the lead ride outs have dwindled lately? 


Still open for discussion? 

1/ Cause your right they have the O/Lays and see it as a riding club...hmm.....If I post a ride I'll get 6 riders within a day and will turn folks away, post a day at a MX track and you'll get 20 responses in a few days.

Very true

 Post for help with a horse event, other event, or lane clearing amd see how many folks you get to pitch up hmm

Also True


2/ Speaking personally - the rides have not dwindled - but the advertisment/write ups have, and I think thats the case with many 'old hands'.

I know I have started riding with a few friends and I have stopped posting, advertising runs or filling in run sheets etc, however I feel bad about this. 


3/ Yes

Thank you biggrin





Devon TRF Member - Cullompton - Mid Devon

DRZ 400S - Yamaha Tenere XT660z - Triumph Daytona T595 


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Run sheets need to be completed for ALL runs. Advertised or not for all the obvious reasons  no



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Paul Farrow wrote:

Run sheets need to be completed for ALL runs. Advertised or not for all the obvious reasons  no

 Or email the tracklog if you have one (along with a list of runners) and that can be turned into a run sheet.wink



Clubman A

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RichT4 wrote:
Paul Farrow wrote:

Run sheets need to be completed for ALL runs. Advertised or not for all the obvious reasons  no

 Or email the tracklog if you have one (along with a list of runners) and that can be turned into a run sheet.wink


 Them's the rules, but my point is how many just don't?  And how many just don't renew to avoid the hassle once they have the overlays? 

£50 for a set of overlays...bargain...

Ok so now i'm playing Devils advocate but am I making a valid point or not? 




Devon TRF Member - Cullompton - Mid Devon

DRZ 400S - Yamaha Tenere XT660z - Triumph Daytona T595 


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'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'

Devon's Best

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Posts: 3676

kevinred wrote:

Roger raised points about what the TRF stands for - Yes I suppose its not an organisation with ride outs as its primary concern, but would it improve the club? would it help us retain members? its a discussion worth having isn't it?


To me the TRF is what it is.Mainly a lobby type organisation to help the fight to keep our pastime alive.We need a united voice to stand against the overwhelming "anti" brigade.the ride out side is a definate bonus and i have made several very good friends i would never have met otherwise.


To change the focus of the group is not a local level decision it would invole the whole TRF at a national level.

Who would organise or "heard the cats"??? If the committee decides a formal approach is needed I would volunteer to lead a couple of regular rides a month, I'm sure several other would to? it's an idea? 


the idea of a more structured ride out system is very appealing but has never been achieved.


perhaps a new officer post of group rideout coordinator is needed ?


to herd the cats to offer at least a couple of preplanned rideouts a month in different areas.


topic for the next group meeting ?


who would fancy the role ?


in my head it would not nessecarily involve leading yourself but getting a commitment from run leaders in all areas to lead 2 runs each a year.12 people signed up would give you a start point of 2 a month.


food for thought ???????????????





East Devon. TRF member.............

Clubman A

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hampsterracing wrote:


food for thought ???????????????



 Sure is wink




Devon TRF Member - Cullompton - Mid Devon

DRZ 400S - Yamaha Tenere XT660z - Triumph Daytona T595 

Devon's Best

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I have just renewed my insurance so it is fair to say that I rode my first green lane a year ago, the support of the DTRF has been fantastic, various run leaders were great in passing on the "knowledge", this is one of the reasons why I offer to lead runs, albeit I am a bit far away for some, ( and my knowledge is somewhat limited!).
As others have commented, some of the enjoyment is lost somewhat when leading, mainly due to the fact that halfway through a lane I am trying to remember whether I turn right or left at the end of the lane - largely due to my limited knowledge, the RA has been a great help though.
After a days riding in Cornwall I remember just how much is often lost by leading, so hats of to all those who do it, and if you haven't done so already, have a go! Just remember, the guys behind you really do appreciate what you are doing, they ain't going to take the p##s if you make U turn, trust me, I have had to make many! We all ride the lanes because we enjoy it, the TRF make sure we will be able to do so in the future. Worth £40 a year any day. A day at a practise mx track will cost you more than that.

-- Edited by nickpdo on Sunday 17th of April 2011 07:31:49 PM



KTM Sunday = ATM Monday 

DTRF kd101146eb

Clubman B

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Posts: 168

I admit when i first joined the TRF i did think that there would be guys leading runs every week and i would get out whenever i wanted.

Now entering my second year as a member i would gladly renew even if i never went on a led run again . Having been to the meetings and seen the effort that goes in to ensuring the lanes are kept open the membership fee is a small price to pay.

You are always going to get people who will join see what its about and then not renew. Maybe its not for them or they do not believe strongly enough in what the TRF stands for to pay to pay the fee.

If you believe you are losing members because there are not enough runs being led i dont think there much that can be done about it.

All i would say is look at the cost of been taken on an organised run by the companies that offer such things, and appreciate the runs when they are posted.




Devon's Best

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Was it not once a stated goal for new members to have learned enough to have led at least one run by the end of their years membership?

With hundreds of members we should be embarrased to be discussing a lack of run leaders.

Certainly a need established within the group for a topic on Shared Knowledge Day

So how do we fire up the thirst for knowledge, the curiosity to know what lies over the hill, the yearning, the desire to discover for themselves what lies over yonder?


Clubman B

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Posts: 335

I cant help thinking that those that may have joined just to get the overlays have in a round about way instantly become RUN LEADERS??? albeit in their own selfish way!! I too joined the TRF for the fact of riding the lanes, meeting like minded NOW GOOD FRIENDS and to explore pastures new! I am slightly guilty of being a follower BUT I try my best to REMEMBER a lane at a time and LEAD / SHARE leading duties whenever and wherever I can!! In fact, the few of us that quite regularly go out together dont necessarily have a RUN LEADER!..We all try to do our bit!!! There is no pecking order, mixed abilities and bikes!! Just pure, honest, legal FUN!! Oh, and in the process of raising funds and awareness that started and fuels our beloved past time!! And just so that its clear......I STILL DONT HAVE ANY OVERLAYS!!!

I'm with JT too!!! Thankyou my affiliated 'mate' for putting in exact words that I have been pondering for a while now!!! ;o)


Its easier to get forgiveness than permission!

Clubman A

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Many replies and much food for thought. 

For me I will go on supporting the cause where I can, be it filling out run sheets or volunteering for a spot of lane clearing with Wacky.

My offer of leading rides is still open. 

I'm just taking on a small holding but once the move is over and the new animals are settled and grazing and the hens are a laying, I will be back stirring up the dust or as I prefer nice sticky mud.

I would love for the Devon TRF to prosper,and they must be doing something right as it's been here a while. I hope some committee discussion occurs on the renewing members subject but I guess If it's not broke it don't need fixing. 

As I said in a previous post I'm a junior member and by which I choose to live by the elected officers decisions, so far they have done me proud and answered all my questions with everyones best interests at heart. 

I understand the TRF is not a ride out club, the forum is more the "social arm" and we should all be grateful that we have plenty of lanes to ride, unlike some counties. 

Just me being a junior member and asking questions again wink





Devon TRF Member - Cullompton - Mid Devon

DRZ 400S - Yamaha Tenere XT660z - Triumph Daytona T595 


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Shaggy wrote:

I'm with JT too!!! Thankyou my affiliated 'mate' for putting in exact words that I have been pondering for a while now!!! ;o)


 Shaggy dude, thats the 2nd time I think you have agreed with me. It's a bit worrying really as not many do wink

Your gonna have to come up for a ride mate so we can find more stuff to agree on like pies, mud and 2 strokes biggrin


'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'



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Pete wrote:

So how do we fire up the thirst for knowledge, the curiosity to know what lies over the hill, the yearning, the desire to discover for themselves what lies over yonder?


Nice post Pete - and has got me thinking, was in another club (road bikes) a few years back and that folded as there were so many followers and very few leaders. Those few felt so pressured and obliged that they simply 'gave up' and the followers had no one to follow. I was convinced then if we had had the brains to have set up a buisness charging to lead these rides and actually doing it as a living then they would have still come and been quite happy to pay up to be lead - they didn't want to be 'part' of the club they just wanted to turn up at a given time in a given place, ride (and not have to think) and then go home till the next 'arranged by others' event.

How many folks join because it's far cheaper than paying £60-£90 a day to go on guided runs? They only ever want to follow cause they just want to ride, don't care where but 'we' are just the most cost effective way of getting to ride on the dirt and have an 'adventure' for the day?

I see it in my work and with my teenage kids and friends - they are 'unable' to entertain themselves and 'expect' everything to be 'done' for them as if it's a right no

For me its much more than the riding, I enjoyed your tales of Jonny Canns walk at Haccadown last year and have now tried to find more about my local lanes and what secrets they hold, I enjoy the 'self reliance' we all have to have when we break down 1 mile from blacktop with nothing more than a stick and a bit of string to get us going again, I enjoy getting my chopper out on a day in the woods with Wacky ashamed, I enjoy taking the newbys out and looking at the faces when they get down to the bottom of 235 wink


Rambling now, so I'm sutting up but Pete your words summed it right up for me smile


'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'

Devon's Best

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Posts: 3676

Are we lacking run leaders ?  No


Are we lacking advertised runs ?  yes


discuss ...........................

East Devon. TRF member.............


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Posts: 8135

Maybe we should all (all the established run leaders) make a pledge to 'post' our runs or a percentage of them - as them the 'burden' is shared.

At the moment when a run is posted it soon becomes over subscribed ?

Split the runs and have 2 or 3 leaders in a run?

Run leader knowledge sharing runs to help build confidence?

Run leader mentors?



'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'

Clubman B

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Posts: 335

jt wrote:
Shaggy wrote:

I'm with JT too!!! Thankyou my affiliated 'mate' for putting in exact words that I have been pondering for a while now!!! ;o)


 Shaggy dude, thats the 2nd time I think you have agreed with me. It's a bit worrying really as not many do wink

Your gonna have to come up for a ride mate so we can find more stuff to agree on like pies, mud and 2 strokes biggrin

I would like that very much!! wink Can I follow?? rofl.gif

Dont be too worried though, I have a 2 AND 4 stroker and favour the 4! lol  hmm 



Its easier to get forgiveness than permission!

Devon's Best

Status: Offline
Posts: 3263

jt wrote:

Maybe we should all (all the established run leaders) make a pledge to 'post' our runs or a percentage of them - as them the 'burden' is shared.

At the moment when a run is posted it soon becomes over subscribed ?

Split the runs and have 2 or 3 leaders in a run?

Run leader knowledge sharing runs to help build confidence?

Run leader mentors?


Some good ides there, if the run was spilt then the "2" runs could operate different ways and meet in the middle for pasties.wink.gif



KTM Sunday = ATM Monday 

DTRF kd101146eb

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