Sold the triumph and maico and got this turning up week tues from up north, very low mileage (2300km) !! 2000 TE 610E the main reason to me buying this is my ongoing right knee problem when kicking starting large machines, this one has the magic button
Wanted to stick with my fav bike make without spending a fortune and lower maintenance schedules.
Very clean not been on the road since 2002 !
-- Edited by doug9270 on Friday 28th of October 2011 03:54:52 PM
Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!
Nice bike, wrong choice if your looking for a reliable starting machine . The motors don't have enough power to turn over the engine unless uv got one of them major powerful expensive batteries. and even with that u must keep ontop with the valve clean fence because the slightest off will stop it from starting. And as for kicking it when the magic button isn't so magic, good luck. Nice bike, very very heavy mind. Not something you want to drop lol . I had the sm model of this same year bike. If you have any troubles with the button try pressing te button and kicking it whilst starter motor is turning. It's it easier and ever did any damage after needing to do it to mine everyday .
Nice bike, wrong choice if your looking for a reliable starting machine . The motors don't have enough power to turn over the engine unless uv got one of them major powerful expensive batteries. and even with that u must keep ontop with the valve clean fence because the slightest off will stop it from starting. And as for kicking it when the magic button isn't so magic, good luck. Nice bike, very very heavy mind. Not something you want to drop lol . I had the sm model of this same year bike. If you have any troubles with the button try pressing te button and kicking it whilst starter motor is turning. It's it easier and ever did any damage after needing to do it to mine everyday .
You sure you didnt have a Gasgas?!
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
Ace.....made I proper chuckle did that Dan.......I do seem to recall seeing a Kick and push the button technique being used on a few Gas Gas's before.......
And Kerrys - push button, cuss, kick, push down road, push up road, sweat, cuss technique
Lath - Dougs been riding and owning Huskys since 1907 so I'm pretty sure he will cope
Ace.....made I proper chuckle did that Dan.......I do seem to recall seeing a Kick and push the button technique being used on a few Gas Gas's before.......
And Kerrys - push button, cuss, kick, push down road, push up road, sweat, cuss technique
Lath - Dougs been riding and owning Huskys since 1907 so I'm pretty sure he will cope
Now GasGas strokers = differant breed. Agreed Dougs been around a while and knows his stuff
Hahaha I'm just saying with a dodgy knee that he said it hurts it will be hard to kick. And the 610 is a bugger of a bike. But then he might have no worries what do ever. And my husqy was a machine until I blew it up haha and as for the gasgas iv owned 2 and there awesome bikes.
Looks like Doug is heading for the tank regiment ......... tanketty tank......tanketty tank......tanketty tank...... Not that I think it will be a heavy beast Doug ! You'll love it. I love Husky's too. Just not that big.
Politicians are like nappies. They need changing often, and usually for the same reason.
As most of you know i did until recently have a road legal 2001 Husky TC570 and that was a brezze to start but not good in the lanes especially with a flat side carb fitted but boy was it fun just ask JT how scared he was when i was flying towards him when at haccadown two years ago.
-- Edited by doug9270 on Monday 31st of October 2011 11:39:15 AM
Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!
Tis true, twas almost as scary as sheeps........almost......
The entertainment on rides with Doug has diminished since he sold it and badgers have been few and far between so here hoping to them returning in bigger numbers when the new beastie arrives