I can only reiterate what other's have posted, rode out with Bob on numerous occasions and we always had a laugh. No matter how many time's he ended up on the floor! Always smiling and the first to help with a breakdown, getting his hands dirty. A true gent. My condolences to his family, RIP Bob.
Adventure before dementia. KTM 500 exc>Devon TRF Member.
I never rode with Bob, like I never rode with Ollie, but I was proud to join Ollie on his last ride, even in the pouring rain, and it seems a great shame that we cannot pay the same tribute to Bob, and demonstrate to his wider family, the high regard in which he was held by his fellow green laners. RIP.
Perhaps,once this is all over and we get let out to play in the lanes again, we could all dedicate our first ride out to Bob. I never met him or had the pleasure of riding with him but in his honour. Maybe if everyone chucked something in the hat we could do something good.
Im not proposing we all go out together just all go out somewhere with your mates in tribute to him.
I have just had a phone call from Bob's widow Val.
I was going to email Val a link to the forum so she could read the lovely comments but she beat me too it and found it herself.
She was greatly moved by all that she read and understands how important Bob was to us. She asked me to pass on her thanks and appreciation and to say that a memorial service would be held when we return to some form of normality which will enable us to properly show our respect.
She has had printed a photo of Bob on his bike to put on the coffin. I mentioned Bob's trademark Tasmanian Devil stuffed toy that adorned his TTR headlight and Val is going to check if its still there and, if it is, that may also now go with him.
I have just had a phone call from Bob's widow Val.
I was going to email Val a link to the forum so she could read the lovely comments but she beat me too it and found it herself.
She was greatly moved by all that she read and understands how important Bob was to us. She asked me to pass on her thanks and appreciation and to say that a memorial service would be held when we return to some form of normality which will enable us to properly show our respect.
She has had printed a photo of Bob on his bike to put on the coffin. I mentioned Bob's trademark Tasmanian Devil stuffed toy that adorned his TTR headlight and Val is going to check if its still there and, if it is, that may also now go with him.
Sounds like a lovely idea, as it just feels so cruel at the moment..
For some reason I can't help but think he'd want to have his tyre levers. As he was always the first to sort out others punctures.
-- Edited by Nige on Friday 17th of April 2020 07:05:37 PM
I thought the same Dan but it just took a while to get in. Sadly I missed the very beginning but, in the circumstances, that was a pretty good send off.
The readings certainly caught the spirit of a lovely man. RIP Bob!
I did a dummy run last night and it all looked ok
Today the old last century computer bumbling along on XP finally lit up around 1.05 and said 'no compatible media'
Ok quick ferret with the new i-pad and from the forum link all I got was a white screen and 'about blank' ......... doh
So lets try the dumb phone ......... nope, all I could get was what looked like a buffering video.
So now I am changing bact out of my best clothes and getting back to work.
Oh dear - the technology isn't quite there yet it seems
I am on a fast link here so, apart from a couple of very short screen freezes, I managed to watch it all the way through and we were able to sing along to "Always look on the bright side of life" at the end
I will find out if there is a recording that can be made available.
Oh dear - the technology isn't quite there yet it seems
I am on a fast link here so, apart from a couple of very short screen freezes, I managed to watch it all the way through and we were able to sing along to "Always look on the bright side of life" at the end
I will find out if there is a recording that can be made available.
Brian , I have FTTP at 150mb so I dont think it was at my end, my guess is that the system and its servers are being stretched to their limit.
I hope theres a recording available, I dont quite feel like Ive said goodbye to Bob yet.
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
when I lost video I sent an email to the webcasters, the help desk sent the reply below. Hopefully there will be a recording that anyone who didnt manage to join in will be able to watch.
Such a sad loss.
Dear Sir
Sorry for the delay, we are experiencing unprecedented levels of emails due to demand for webcasting during the ongoing coronavirus situation.
We are sorry to hear you have experienced issues in viewing the service. After each webcast we send a downloadable recording of the service to an email address nominated by the funeral director or crematorium that can then be forwarded on and we will endeavour to send this as soon as possible. The download link is valid for 7 days from when it is issued and allows you to download a copy that you can keep.
Once again our apologies in getting back to you later than we would have liked.
Kind Regards
Webcasting Wesley Media 01536 314 891
-- Edited by devondan on Thursday 30th of April 2020 06:52:01 PM
-- Edited by devondan on Thursday 30th of April 2020 10:05:04 PM
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
Such sad news. I was putting finger to keyboard last night mithering about the loss of Marty Smith. Then I read this. The first time I've been 'touched' by covid really. When I did my compendium of riding in Devon, Bob featured strongly owing to him being great video fodder combined with my poorly understood layout of Devon lanes meant he bounced a lot on my rides.... . Last time we went out I managed to route us up those bloody steps in stokeinteignhead... Not sure he thanked me for that.... RIP Bob.
Very sad news to hear about the passing of Badger Bob. I first met him on a number of ride outs with Brian TTR in 2009/2010. What a smashing chap with a real 'have a go' spirit and a ready infectious smile. A great guy and a pleasure to have known. RIP
Such terrible news and my condolences go out to all his friends and family
I had the honour of riding with Bob once and he was a real gent, such a sad loss of a really genuine person who made the day relaxed and fun. I remember him coming off on the slippery stone near Exeter at a ford crossing, getting up, back on bike and saying "that was slippery" with a smile.
Not been on the forum for ages and this is the first thing Ive read is about the sad loss of Bob. That guy brings back so much memories and he was fitter than a butchers dog. I remember doing a mid Devon run which a 9 hour hard ride out and Bob was on it, next day I was blimin aching and had to go to B&Q, got out the car and saw Bob, I said Im bloody stiff and aching after yesterday and Bob just said he was fine and nothing ached! My kids and Becky all fondly remember Bob as well, when we ran runs from my house and Bob was always early and the girls would make him fresh muffins. A sad loss to a horrible virus, Bob will always be in my thoughts.