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Post Info TOPIC: How do we communicate ? And NO the forum is not going to close !!!


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How do we communicate ? And NO the forum is not going to close !!!

These questions are for all users of the forum.

1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date.

2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.

3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

The reason i ask, over the last year or so general communication has dropped dramatically even though we have 585 users !!


Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!

Clubman A

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RE: How do we communicate ?

doug9270 wrote:

These questions are for all users of the forum.

1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date.

No its fine the way it is and theres always something on plus loads to read of interest

2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.

Rarely use it as I am not interested in the whole of people life and too much rubbish

3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

Sadly I think the younger members do use Facebook, Twitter etc etc but how many do motocross or enduro rather than green lanes? We dont see many younger people out on the lanes around my area.

The comms ref ride outs has decreased as people get fed up when some ask for rides then its "put me down as a maybe" which means "Depends on the Sat night out" normally and wastes peoples time. For me weekends are my time off and valuable so its need to be 100%. I think more are riding with buddies although I have put up a few rides with zero takers!




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Facebook isn't a patch on forums like this. Try finding some useful information that you remember seeing on FaceBook - nigh on impossible and you can waste ages scrolling back through trying to find it.

Also there is no facility to include "sticky" threads containing important links or information.

I vote to continue with the forum!



Exeter area - Devon TRF Group member - THE forum for TTR250 owners

Clubman A

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1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date.

No I don't 

2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.

No, I don't have a facebook account

3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

Maybe but trail riding is mainly the domain of middle aged and older people. Ian Simmins apparently is doing a good job of keeping the TRF facebook page updated




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chriscole wrote:

3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

Maybe but trail riding is mainly the domain of middle aged and older people. 


Speak for yourself Chris - some of us youngsters love our trail riding biggrinbiggrinbiggrin 


Exeter area - Devon TRF Group member - THE forum for TTR250 owners


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These questions are for all users of the forum.

1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date.

It could do with a face lift to improve its presentation but generally given the age demographic it is  fit for purpose.

2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.

I use Facebook daily to keep in touch with family but it is too cumbersome for a means of communication that has substance. Facebook is good for advertising though. Perfect for 10 second sound bites.



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doug9270 wrote:

These questions are for all users of the forum.

1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date.

2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.

3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

The reason i ask, over the last year or so general communication has dropped dramatically even though we have 585 users !!

1. No.

2. No.  FB truly is the spawn of satan and I salute those who don't use it.

3. What tech did you have in mind?  Beyond tablets and smartphones (and PCs/laptops still I suppose), I'm not sure what other tech you can use.  VR? biggrin  Since my return to the TRF after a few years break, I have noticed how quiet and sometimes combative it can be on the forum, hence my reluctance to post as much as I have done in years gone by (no doubt a great relief to many! biggrin).  That said, it's still the best communication method IMHO.



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The TRF wanted to encourage a new type of member and 'update'. It succeeded but in the process alienated the old skool and they have in the main slunk away into the background.

I know this post won't be liked and will be ignored as my comments on this subject have been many times before but I just say it how I see it - how many turn up for lane clearing, meetings, lead rides, help at events now compared with 5 years ago?

Nope I know not me anymore - I used to do all of these things, has my interest in trail riding changed and all that goes with it - no not one bit, has my interest in the TRF wained - yes....cause it was all about the people, now it's all about 'the business'.

It's not the forum or tech - it's the people that have moved on and changed.......


'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'

Devon's Best

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Keep the forum, no way is it out of date.



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doug9270 wrote:

These questions are for all users of the forum.

1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date.

No. It still works well.

2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.

Don't be silly. Advertisers love facebook. I do not and will not use it.

3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

Children who have known nothing else succumb to peer pressure to use facebook. The 'different tech' of which you speak is capable of accessing this forum.

The reason i ask, over the last year or so general communication has dropped dramatically even though we have 585 users !!

 You may not like to hear it from JT so take it from me

The Fellowship I enjoyed being  part of has become submerged in Mario's business, which is none of my business, which is why I am not a TRF member and have not posted a ride for a long time now.

I still enjoy trail riding and will probably post some run reports about some secret squirrel invitation only rides in the future, but I tired of meeting idiots on enduro bikes who can't be bothered to read maps and only joined because they believed Mario's advertising scams

This forum was instrumental in growing the Devon TRF group exponentially and deserves to be recognised for that. Do not throw the baby out with the bath water!



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I agree with most on here. In very simple laymans terms ..... It ain't broke, so don't fix it !


Politicians are like nappies. They need changing often, and usually for the same reason.


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What is good news, the old school are the only ones who have replied, go figure that !!!


Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!

Clubman A

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Keep the forum , I personally do not use face book , but I come in the oldy class biggrin



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I enjoy the forum, I enjoy the banter and I also appreciate that people are still prepared to speak their minds.  It would be a shame to lose it.  I haven't been a member for long and have only experienced the good parts of the TRF. The people are the important part of it, badge it how you like, take away the logo etc, as long as the people remain it can only be a good thing.


Clubman B

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My two penneth,

Not much wrong with the forum as I see it, not a big contributer myself, which is due in part to lack of riding over the last 12 months, but I do dip in and out for interest.

Appears to be a good communication channel for securing a ride out still, as I see regular rides being posted, can't comment on how well they are supported but I would imagine it's still the best route to secure yourself a run out if you're new to trail riding.

My lack of ride outs is due in part to both a dwindling network of regulars that I knew, combined with my other commitments, so in summary, to get back out there I would visit the forum first & foremost - so in opinion it must still be relevent?




-- Edited by Nasher on Thursday 20th of October 2016 07:46:44 PM


AKA Swiss

Clubman A

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Not been riding the local lanes of late but still check this site daily to keep up with goings on - current format works for me.


Clubman A

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The Devon forum works, it is a great way to keep in touch, organise rides and exchange banter.

The Somerset forum works, it is a great way..........etc etc.

The National forum is broken. It has a become simply a means of griping, sniping and generally spreading poison.

Just my opinion of course and I don't wish to begin, or get involved in, any debate about the politics of the national TRF







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Keep the forum, simple!


There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont! 


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doug9270 wrote:

These questions are for all users of the forum.

1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date.

No I don't. I look at it regularly and enjoy the info and opinions. The assistance I have been given from technical questions I have posted has been unparalleled.

2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.

Not at all. From what I've seen there is too much much rubbish on there

3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

Probably not without it becoming frivolous. 


Keep it as it is !!


The reason i ask, over the last year or so general communication has dropped dramatically even though we have 585 users !!



DGTRF                             You're just passing through, make the most of it !    


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Maybe what is happening now is healthy. Maybe after the forum has died back a little the weeds will have perished and the good old perennials will return.

I'm not a gardener BTW.biggrin

I actually fired up my bike today!

Might even ride her this year at this rate.


Clubman B

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Keep the forum, face book pages just bombard you with crap shared vids and posts not relevant to anything.
I'm in Hampshire and drop in every week to see what's going on.
I salute Devon TRF. A true flag ship group.
National forum is a waste of time. Full of guff. They have a rights of way questions forum where you are barred from asking questions on row issues for fear that dark forces are watching ready to use the info against you!

It seems New members who are encouraged to join at national events arnt informed that they should be looking to help out clear lanes and be proactive within their local group. The seem to be promised the holy grail of row routes and implied that someone will contact you and take you for a ride. Dunno about you guys but I'm a bit weary of going riding with people I don't know. I have had Devon members come here to ride and likewise come down your way to ride. But how often do you take about someone you don't know and they either ride like a nob or turn up on a shed of a bike.

Back in the day you went to a few meetings then made friends joined TRF and went for rides with your new mates. Not much politics just trail riding.


Clubman B

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doug9270 wrote:

These questions are for all users of the forum.

1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date.

Nope, it's a great way to catch up on what's happening on a wide variety of laning info, I regularly look at many of the tabs i.e. gen discuss, run reports, events, tech talk, for sale . . as others said, to access all this via FB would require heaps of scrolling/searching.

I've only just requested access to the members only tabs (despite being a member for 3 years!) and so am looking forward to viewing those and will defo post on the lane clearing tab, would love to support the TRF work by attending. 

2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.

Nope, I only have a page for my business, agree with other comments that it can be full of 'ess aitch one tee' . . . I have used the messaging part of DTRF forum and it works fine (as long as you have selected notify by email or check your profile frequently).

I mainly ride with a couple of friends local to me (jaybates and mr.gone) but have been fortunate enough to meet and ride with a few other DTRF members via forum i.e. ttrfan, ttrsteve. (ha, theme emerging there!)

3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

I believe people who are interested in DTRF and it's work will search out the info and aren't exclusively restricted to life through FB/Twitter

The reason i ask, over the last year or so general communication has dropped dramatically even though we have 585 users !!

It's pretty obvious that the main volume of work within DTRF is done by a select few (so often the case with most volunteer run organisations), myself and mates always renew membership and try to attend all DTRF events to support them, but as above, hope to contribute a bit more even if it's only assisting on a lane clearing day.

Thanks to all that do put in the lions share of work by the way, it's a great organisation and from seeing comments on National forum and visiting Yorks recently, DTRF and Devon generally are seen as a benchmark for laning and TRF.

cheers, Tim




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Smokinrider wrote:

Keep the forum, face book pages just bombard you with crap shared vids and posts not relevant to anything.
I'm in Hampshire and drop in every week to see what's going on.
I salute Devon TRF. A true flag ship group.
National forum is a waste of time. Full of guff. They have a rights of way questions forum where you are barred from asking questions on row issues for fear that dark forces are watching ready to use the info against you!

It seems New members who are encouraged to join at national events arnt informed that they should be looking to help out clear lanes and be proactive within their local group. The seem to be promised the holy grail of row routes and implied that someone will contact you and take you for a ride. Dunno about you guys but I'm a bit weary of going riding with people I don't know. I have had Devon members come here to ride and likewise come down your way to ride. But how often do you take about someone you don't know and they either ride like a nob or turn up on a shed of a bike.

Back in the day you went to a few meetings then made friends joined TRF and went for rides with your new mates. Not much politics just trail riding.

spot on...... 


'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'

Devon's Best

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1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date.

Nope still works well

2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.

Use facebook but it would be useless for this purpose

3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

Nope this works for us and is well established.if younger members are interested enough this is still easy and simple to use if a bit dated and clunky



My concern is for those members who do not use the forum or any social media.(there are more than you think) with no newsletter there is no communication from the devon trf to its members through the year the trf then drops off of your radar !! the commitee are trying and have started to publish a basic set of minutes by email each month so at least it pops up in your inbox and reminds you we exist and you are a member. But they are busy people and most are already wearing more than one cap !!


The glue that held us together during the "glory years" were total inclusiveness and great communication


just my 2p's worth

East Devon. TRF member.............


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What a great response, the questions posed where not intended to signal change. I was testing the water. The forum has been in use for many years and in that time has had its issues nothing technical just people not suited to the TRF ethos.
This comes back to what JT said about the national way of doing business, i joined to ride and keep our lanes open period. My only worry is that we loose the 1% who do the graft leave or die away leaving no lane clearing/repairs/run records/fund raising etc etc then all will be lost. So my next point is do we muster forces and have a recruitment drive next year ?


Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!


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We missed out the website, DTRF's shop window.  It's still in need of an update. 

Recruitment - might a nominal payment from funds help?  Not sure of the legalities if any (tax, etc.) without investigation, but a modest retainer might help garner some interest if there are still vacant roles.  Of course, receiving a payment also confers obligations so all of this will need to be agreed beforehand.  I suspect time for most people will be an issue - I remember when I did the website/events/fundraising, on some occasions it was manic and I'd not be in a hurry to revisit that.


Devon's Best

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doug9270 wrote:

 So my next point is do we muster forces and have a recruitment drive next year ?


Not really 


how about trying to re-invigorate the 300 + members we have and get them involved in the Devon TRF

East Devon. TRF member.............


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Apart from knocking on doors, how ? We have a forum,website,mailchimp,show stand(thanks roger) what else is there ?


Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!


Clubman B

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1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date


2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.


3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

Cant think of one but can ad this I work in a school but as we are finding out with a lot of 17-18 year olds an younger  they are not computer literate theses days yes they can use a touch screen phone an Games console an so on but PC wise other than Youtube an Face ass net surffing they are muppet's. they just want to do it all on there Phone Forums are a pain to look at on a phone where as face book works well or so I have been told I'm a non user



 04 250 TTR   1960 Harley panhead  84 Honda xr 250/cb250rs Hybrid plus the new Montesa 4Ride



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For me it's being heard - TRF comms have become one way - out and down, I became dis engaged because no one listened.....

Many predicted what would happen, no one listened.....

So the media for communications is fine and needs no change (other than as Rodger points out for those with no IT) but the TRF and the group needs to listen (to the right people) and when asked for opinions (such as now) take them on board and act.

For me the rot in DTRF started when the views of one newcomer were taken and prioritised over the views of many faithfull old hands - that was sadly timed with the start of changes at the top - the final straw was the lack of repayment in loyalty when I needed it, all things that could have been avoided with a bit of good old fashioned face to face talking over a beer or two instead of much secret squirrel covert comms going on.

Open, honest two way communication is what we used to have - when we lost that we lost the plot.


'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'


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jt wrote:

For me the rot in DTRF started when the views of one newcomer were taken and prioritised over the views of many faithfull old hands - that was sadly timed with the start of changes at the top - the final straw was the lack of repayment in loyalty when I needed it, all things that could have been avoided with a bit of good old fashioned face to face talking over a beer or two instead of much secret squirrel covert comms going on.

Blimey - did this happen during my wilderness years or are you referring to the TJ events of old.  Just interested, that's all.



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Not TJ related.


'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'


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pug wrote:


3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

Cant think of one but can ad this I work in a school but as we are finding out with a lot of 17-18 year olds an younger  they are not computer literate theses days yes they can use a touch screen phone an Games console an so on but PC wise other than Youtube an Face ass net surffing they are muppet's. they just want to do it all on there Phone Forums are a pain to look at on a phone where as face book works well or so I have been told I'm a non user


 I support everything Martyn has said here as i also work in a school, younger people are not generally connected physically with the rest of the world, just look in the local playgrounds on a weekend or see them out on their bikes doing some exploring !! = Nothing.

JT and i used to run rideouts most weekends over the winter months (the best months in my opinion) and most times the run was full with newbies and experienced riders alike.

How come if i post up a rideout now nobody is interested ? and we still have over 300 paid up TRF Devon members, where the devil are they. Are they riding at night ? 


Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!

Devon's Best

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I'm waiting for the winter to ride bud, just been busy volunteering at the sailing club with the kids sailing. 

You post em,  I'll ride em from Nov. 


A mid 30's computer literate Facebook and forum user. I see a need for both. wink



KTM Sunday = ATM Monday 

DTRF kd101146eb

Devon's Best

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I will put in my two penny worth, The forum for me works well most of the time.  These days I look but do not post much due to the negative and apathetic attitude to posts I have had in the past and which still continues, and I think there are many old members who do the same look but don't touch as the hassle is not worth it

I don't bother with face book as I cant be arsed cutting through the crap and trying to find something I read yesterday which now requires 30 mins of scolling down to find it

As for the national TRF forum a crock of excrement of the finest order, I don't even bother any more, and I cannot be bothered to even find out what goes on with our national leadership, if they were any good they would have sorted that out. 

Just like others I used to post rideouts, but got fed up waiting for people to turn up, trying to fix a shed of a bike before we left, as run leader being expected to carry everything including the kitchen sink to sort out any problem that might occur, and the final straw was a lady member who emailed me two days after the ride to say she didn't come as she found a ride closer to home. did not even have the courtesy to phone up on the day and say she was not coming.

So these days I ride but with a select few of people I get on with, help with lane clearing when I can, but cant be bothered with the hassle of dealing with numpties,

Keep the forum as quite a few of us older members still keep in touch on it, Ditch the forum and I shall not bother with the TRF any more, and I expect a lot of people feel the same

That's me done for the next few months, and for those of you who know me the kettles always on when "youse passin" cant promise cake as the dread D  iet word rules in the house at the moment 

Have fun

Riding with enthusiasm upon the ragged precipice of disaster


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How do we communicate ? And NO the forum is not going anywhere !!!

Thanks chaps for your support, team work means a lot to me without it life can be pretty boring.


Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!


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RE: How do we communicate ? And NO the forum is not going to close !!!

I like the forum so keep it please.  I feel Facebook is used for gossip/slagging people off.  I avoid it for that reason.  Can't speak for the younger generation.


Clubman B

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1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date. No

2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.No

3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

Sometimes I feel the attitude of some members is not quite disrespectful but I feel like I am been spoken down to. If I want to ride with mousses that's my choice. If some one turns up completely unprepared, turn them away but explain why they are putting themselves at risk when they ride on their own by not being prepared.

I had a great day at a horsey event with Laurie, a guy I'd never met before, no macho bs just a good crack. Doesn't matter what age we are no one likes to be spoken down to. If there is a minimum requirement for preparedness for riding put it out there to help educate the less well informed. 

In addition, wrt lane clearing, I asked if I could bring a chainsaw and was told no, then photos were shown with machinery, this doesn't encourage me to join lane clearing, so we are either allowed to use machinery or not.

Wheeldon farm stated last time road going bikes or a certain type of tyre yet top enduro riders practice there and rip the sh*t out of the place, it just seems a bit excluding sometimes.

Young people come out of school being told what to do all day, they go home and get told how to behave by their parents, we should be a safe haven of knowledge and mentoring to allow them to ride and encourage responsibility and enjoyably, of course there will be hiccups, but if we mentor, encourage good practice, mentor on safe ridng, equipment, tools etc, we could end up with a younger demographic who will be listened to by more younger ears again.

Like the man said before, just my thoughts.

There were no goats hurt in this accident


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Do you have a ticket to use it,as you would have too on lane clearance for insurance purpose,s
Same applies to any machinery used by the members on lane clearance....i belive..



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The forum is great
I try to cut the hedges around the Rocombe area every few weeks (its in my interest ) and i see loads of groups out on any given day, i think facebook has allowed groups of friends to plan there own rides with ease

There was a time all these rides were posted on here and open to any


Another customer finds himself £20 better off at Teign Tyres and


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Xtriple maybe ?



Clubman B

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doug9270 wrote:

These questions are for all users of the forum.

1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date.

2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.

3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

The reason i ask, over the last year or so general communication has dropped dramatically even though we have 585 users !!

 1. As a means of communication, the PM method is probably a little dated now.  I think that probably a lot of people arrange ride outs with their mates using text and other social media.  The forum is an excellent system and resource with a mass of information which should be kept and is mostly easy to search but it is too unwieldy on a mobile.  Maybe its time to develop a mobile friendly app which is a slim version of the main forum for use by people who only use such devices.

2. I notice that there is a Devon TRF Facebook page but there appears to be nothing on it.  It might be possible to integrate that Facebook page into the 'Run Them There Lanes' section and leave the rest of the forum for view on a PC.

3. The forum was written before the emergence of social media and small mobile devices so it's probably time to develop a mobile app.  It is undoubtedly true that younger members will nearly all use Facebook and remain logged in on their mobile devices so there is probably no way to encourage more use of the forum unless it is accessible from a small device.

The only way to really get a full understanding is to send out a small survey of straightforward, unambiguous questions as to why people do not use the forum so much. I would expect that a group email to all members would reach nearly everyone and to ensure the maximum response, the offer of entry into a prize draw would help.  The problem with this post is that it only reaches the members who frequently visit the forum. cry



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I mailchimp news,events and minutes of our meeting to members as I have the database, however only 40-48% actually reads these emails and I receive very few replies. I like the idea of an app to cover some parts of the forum, are you volunteering to do some research then ?


Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!


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As you know, if you don't have in-house expertise, developing a device agnostic app can be fairly costly (speaking from first hand experience!).



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How badly do you want this?

Seems Tapatalk is the way (or at least a way) to make the forum more accessible on mobile devices... but it doesn't work with activeboard.
We'd have to set-up a new forum on one of the many other compatible forum hosts.

Attempts to move all of the content from here would likely fail so we'd be forced to make this one a closed archive for a while before deleting it, I've seen this happen many times with other forums.
It all sounds like a lot of work for limited gain to me... If I'm interested in a forum or group I use whatever system they have. Many have already got Tapatalk yet I don't use it, I just log in through my phones browser, turn it sideways and zoom in.

I think the DTRFG has enough active & dormant members, I just think more runs need to be advertised & more run reports should be thrown up.

Question is, why isn't it already happening?

....and I don't think it's down to not having easier mobile device access.



Clubman B

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doug9270 wrote:

I mailchimp news,events and minutes of our meeting to members as I have the database, however only 40-48% actually reads these emails and I receive very few replies. I like the idea of an app to cover some parts of the forum, are you volunteering to do some research then ?

 I wouldn't shy away from doing some research but I have no technical knowledge what so ever.  As RichT4 says:-

1. How badly do we want or need this?

2. Why are people not posting up runs & reports?

3. Is the problem just down to ease of access via a mobile device?

These questions need to be answered before you can spec a requirement.

It's interesting to note that only 5% of the forum users have passed any comment so far. confuse


-- Edited by Moggsy on Monday 24th of October 2016 04:00:44 PM



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hampsterracing wrote:

1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date.

Nope still works well

2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.

Use facebook but it would be useless for this purpose

3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.

Nope this works for us and is well established.if younger members are interested enough this is still easy and simple to use if a bit dated and clunky



My concern is for those members who do not use the forum or any social media.(there are more than you think) with no newsletter there is no communication from the devon trf to its members through the year the trf then drops off of your radar !! the commitee are trying and have started to publish a basic set of minutes by email each month so at least it pops up in your inbox and reminds you we exist and you are a member. But they are busy people and most are already wearing more than one cap !!


The glue that held us together during the "glory years" were total inclusiveness and great communication


just my 2p's worth

I agree with everything Roger said. I do use Facebook a fair bit, as it is ideal for advertising and spreading news and events. However, I feel the forum is more appropriate for the majority of the chat which goes on. I admit to a greatly reduced usage of both the forum (and my bike cry), but that has been due to my own changing circumstances. I still dip into the forum when I can. Please keep it going!

It IS possible to make articles 'sticky' on Facebook, but it isn't possible (AFAIK) to organise posts in such a logical, easy to read manner as this forum. That is a huge part of its value. As has already been stated, Facebook is difficult to search.


"If you don't ask, you don't get"

Clubman B

Status: Offline
Posts: 441

Reaching out to members and potential members has always been a challenge.
I was always keen to see a newsletter pop into the mailbox and do feel that it has a bigger effect on cohesion than it is given credit for.

This forum has had its peaks and troughs and its never obvious what triggers a turning point, the fact that it has always turned up or down is all that I would consider.
Sometimes the disagreements have reduced traffic and yes the long term users have heard it all before and can get pretty fed up with the thoughtlessness of others.

Encouraging newbies and getting regulars here to perhaps step up and do a little something to help 'the few' is possibly the key to an upturn.
'The Few' do sometimes burn out from doing too much and disappear, either totally or for long periods as they will not risk getting sucked in again.

How to get folk to want to do something without them feeling leaned on or guilt tripped though ?

Sorry Doug kinda hijacked your original concern but I think its a part of the bigger question as to how we go forward ........
And THANK YOU for taking on the running of the forum and getting rid of all those little black diamonds that had no business here (-;



Status: Offline
Posts: 7305

My pleasure !!


Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!

Clubman A

Status: Offline
Posts: 983

These questions are for all users of the forum.

1. Do you think the forum for communication is now out of date.
No, it is the most relevant point of contact for a local group, unable to comment on National as I dont find it relevant

2. Do you use Facebook more for communication.
Not in relation to laning, have joined a couple of groups, but there is not much going on...

3. Do you think there is a better way to communicate to the younger members who use different tech.
No, this can be accessed via phone.


The bloke with the Sherco...

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