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Post Info TOPIC: How do we communicate ? And NO the forum is not going to close !!!


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RE: How do we communicate ? And NO the forum is not going to close !!!

I have used the communication between Big T and hamsterracing to summarise the discussion above by highlighting comments. 
Big T wrote:
hampsterracing wrote:

1. ... the forum ...

... still works well

2. ... Facebook .....

.... useless for this purpose

3. ... better way to communicate to the younger members ....

Nope ....



... concern .... for ... members ... with no newsletter ... no communication from the devon trf to its members through the year the trf then drops off of your radar !! ...


The glue that held us together during the "glory years" were total inclusiveness and great communication


just my 2p's worth


 Failing to send members a regular newsletter misses a golden opportunity to bind the membership together by prompting people to become involved by reaching out to all and not just those online. Remember that forum users are a minority.

Perhaps it is worth reminding the membership that any potential volunteer offering their time to help out with any group related task may claim expenses? The group has more funds in the bank now than ever before, the rates are reasonable and may be enough to persuade someone to put effort in when they find it has not left them out of pocket.

Don't be shy to ask for expenses if you would like to help with a newsletter. I have in the past claimed expenses for attending meetings on behalf of the group when times were hard, and at other times have not felt a need depending on my financial position at the time. 



The demise of Trail at a national level is lamentable. The financial and business arguments won the day but missed the point and in my view threw out the baby along with the bath water and the goose that laid the golden eggs. Without anything on the post mat I feel the TRF offers me nothing tangible. 

Nationally the will to have a forum which is fit for purpose appears lacking. Time will tell if the director who attended the DTRFG August meeting was correct in saying that a new national forum would be in place within a few months......

I don't think the facelift to make the national website appeal to those with a limited attention span did the TRF any favours, but the Devon group web page is still good with easy to find links to other sites including importantly the forum where the majority of group business organisation and communication is conducted.




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Posts: 5074

I also mentioned a retainer (expenses in all but name!) in an earlier post, so as Pete says, perhaps making this point will encourage volunteers.  Picking up on Pete's comment about the DTRF website, the links page needs updating specifically (as well as some other content) but I've mentioned that several times already!


Devon's Best

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Posts: 3402

doug9270 wrote:

I mailchimp news,events and minutes of our meeting to members as I have the database, however only 40-48% actually reads these emails and I receive very few replies. I like the idea of an app to cover some parts of the forum, are you volunteering to do some research then ?

I use appsme for my business and website. Doddle to use and update, plus the base version is free


Culmstock area - Devon TRF Group member - KTM 690 Enduro

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