Joint statement from the Motorcycle Industry Association (MCIA), the Auto-Cycle Union (ACU) and the Amateur Motor Cycle Association (AMCA)
British motorsport could end due to EU ruling
The outcome of a government consultation on a piece of EU insurance legislation could end motorsport in the UK.
Yesterday, the Government issued a document for public consultation, which gives an option of implementing the European Court decision known as the Vnuk judgment. The ruling makes it compulsory for anyone using any form of motorised transport to have third party damage and injury insurance. This will affect all participants in all forms of motorsport.
The insurance industry has made it clear to government that third party risks for motorsport activities are uninsurable, not least because of the sheer number of potential vehicle damage claims that would arise. Therefore, if implemented, the Vnuk judgment would wipe out all legal motor and motorcycle sport activity.
In the UK, the motorsport industry employs over 50,000 people, generates a total of £11 billion of sales each year and is backed up by a world-leading high performance engineering industry.
Motorcycle competition is a popular UK Sport and generates much needed income in rural areas, with over 1.9 million spectators watching around 58,000 riders attend an average of over 4000 off-road and track events each year. These range from junior motocross to the British Superbikes, which would all end without the required insurance under the ECJ ruling.*
MCIA, ACU and AMCA call on the government to exempt motor and motorcycle sport from any changes to insurance law which arise from the ECJ judgment. While the UK remains in the EU, even a temporary implementation of the ruling, as suggested by the Department for Transport in its consultation document, would be fatally damaging to what is an important industry and net contributor to the UK economy.
Speaking for the ACU, AMCA and MCIA, Steve Kenward, CEO of MCIA says:
At a stroke, this would wipe out a successful industry and all the jobs that go with it, as well as eliminating a popular leisure pursuit for 1.9 million people, along with the boost that this gives to both local and national economies.
If the Government implements the Vnuk judgment un-amended, British motorcycle sport would end in the UK. Given that we are coming out of the EU, we are astonished that the Government is even considering an option to implement Vnuk. We call on Ministers to end uncertainty and put a stop to Vnuk in the UK.
The Vnuk judgment imposes compulsory third party injury and damage insurance to all vehicles of any kind when used on any type of land. As well as affecting all motorsport vehicles, it could affect electric bicycles, sit-on lawnmowers, golf buggies, mobility scooters and even uninsured vehicles parked on private property under the Statutory Off-Road Notification scheme. The ruling stems from a case involving a Slovenian farm worker, who was hurt falling from a ladder, which was hit by a reversing tractor.
· *Figures come from MCIA industry commissioned report.
For additional information please contact Steve Muir -
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-- Edited by V Twin Funster on Thursday 22nd of December 2016 05:32:18 PM
Weve bred all these useless PRICKS!!!!
Weve brought it on ourselves, drip by drip.
I wonder what they think will be the necessary replacement for the adrenalin rush, the competitiveness - I know, utter frustration, boredom and a general malaise towards work and life in general!
I wonder how that might manifest itself to some, not all I hasten to add.
Blame will have to be attributed to those that appear to have things better sorted, maybe "Ethnic Minorities" or those sections of society that are vulnerable.
I know, "Totally over the top" and obviously not ACU related in any form, but where will it stop.
Rugby, football, skiing, horse riding etc etc, all are LETHAL sports!
Our western world is run by H&S and accountants, all has its place, but such a simple world.
Risk - fall off a motorbike, horse, bicycle etc, result - A&E, Liability, cost implication, "Make them pay", initially entry cost go up, too much, no one can afford it, sport collapses.
FFS what on earth do they think will come a few years down the road.
Rant over, wont affect me, Im too old anyway!!
Happy Xmas to everyone and a Happy New Year
Enjoy the lanes while we can - THEY will stop it, a belief I have held for the last twenty years.
I saw it in the times yesterday, it wouldn't just end motorsport in the uk but also across Europe. Putting aside the EU issue I can't see this happening, the legislation will have to get amended, the financial loss to the economies of Europe would be too big.
Not read it all yet but does say
Option 3 Modify domestic legislation in line with the Commissions high-level proposal to amend the Directive. This will involve further engagement with the Commission as they refine their proposal and further engagement with stakeholders about the detail of any change to domestic legislation. This is the Governments preferred option as it would mitigate the effects of the Vnuk judgment - most notably it would mean that use of vehicles on private land would not be in scope of the Directive.
-- Edited by devondan on Thursday 22nd of December 2016 08:10:50 PM
-- Edited by devondan on Thursday 22nd of December 2016 08:15:28 PM
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
World gone many bored highly educated people sat about.....
That's the problem JT, they don't do anything useful, they come up with stupid ideas like this to make it look like they are doing something important and useful... would be far better if they were unemployed and stopped interfering in everyone else's life!
Just imagine - if we could get out and not be bound by EU law and this came in - we would be the Motorsport centre of Europe - all of them would want to come here and race I'm looking for a plot to build my track already!
Im no fan of the Eu but the all the court do is interpret the law, without the separation of the courts and government we'd live in a dictatorship. The same should be born in mind when the Supreme Court rules on article 50. The judges do not have respect the wishes of the people - they must uphold and interpret the law - simples!
The people to blame are the politicians, either for badly drafting the legislation or dreaming up daft laws, in this case I think it was badly drafted.
I am cautiously optimistic that this won't come to pass, but we'll see.
Rant over ...... happy Christmas everyone!
-- Edited by devondan on Friday 23rd of December 2016 08:24:40 AM
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
Strong feeling here, rightly so, but for what it's worth I can't see this happening at all for some of the reasons already posted. So, instead of posting indignant messages here, who's going to write to their MP to make their views known and ask them to do all they can in their power to prevent this from coming to pass? I bet I can count the answer on one hand, the one with three fingers and a thumb missing
I'm on first name terms with Neil, our MP! ... over DCCs plans for a new road over the Blackdowns, so I'll certainly be dropping him a line and be replying to the consultation. The TRF as an organisation should do so as well.
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
I'm on first name terms with Neil, our MP! ... over DCCs plans for a new road over the Blackdowns, so I'll certainly be dropping him a line and be replying to the consultation. The TRF as an organisation should do so as well.
Nice one It would also be useful to respond to the consultation too. It amuses me that the document says that they have to comply with the law, however this seems contradictory as there are other edicts from the EU that the government willingly ignores, for example the air quality rulings, and there are other occasions where the government has been found to be acting unlawfully, they've just gone ahead and changed the law (blanket surveillance - as an aside, a ruling as recent as this week has declared the Snooper's Charter unlawful, yet the government is still going to enact it on 1.1.17). The document says "doing nothing is not an option", well they've demonstrated time and again this is an option, so instead of wasting all this time, effort (and therefore cost) on this nonsense, they should just ignore it.
I'll happily bore you all with Euro law if you like, but the general principle is, if we don't comply we can have action brought against us by individuals or governments in the ECJ and be fined or have other sanctions brought against us. In some cases we managed to get derogations which is why not all eu laws/directives are enforced against us. But The law is the law, and we surrendered some of our parliamentary sovereignty to the EU, but out of most of the states I think we comply with the most laws - my opinion.
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
Never mind whichever side you are on - Brexit vote was probably more to do with this type of issue.
Had absolutely nothing to do with whichever "ism" the other sides conveniently uses as an accusation to justify their argument.
Goodwill and festive cheer to ALL men.
Strong feeling here, rightly so, but for what it's worth I can't see this happening at all for some of the reasons already posted. So, instead of posting indignant messages here, who's going to write to their MP to make their views known and ask them to do all they can in their power to prevent this from coming to pass? I bet I can count the answer on one hand, the one with three fingers and a thumb missing
Whats the point Hoops - You really think they would listen Even using your vote makes no odds now - the parties are all but the same and even when they do ask our opinon if they don't get the answer they want then they ignore it.....
Like many 'representatives' these days they represent only the views of themselves or those who pay......
With regards to 'indignant responses' I don't suppose the original poster thought it was going to generate many positive ones did they
Sooner we get out of the whole stinking corrupt club the better. Anyway the French and Italians will ignore it, the Dutch will do there own thing, none of the other EU states will do much, and as usual the UK will implement it in full
And the germans will let all of those made unemployed by it in to claim asylum, unless you are british when they will tell us we are illegal and not allowed in Germany, as they have done for years
And people still want to remain urghhhhhhh
Riding with enthusiasm upon the ragged precipice of disaster
Reading from the very interesting link posted by Jeff, it appears this has come about by poor wording of a piece of EU legislation, which should have been picked up and corrected during the draft stage.
Just comparing their wording with the wording of say, the England and Wales existing legislation what have revealed it.
Im also a bit fed up with headlines, that deliberately set to inflame, saying British motorsport could end due to EU ruling or similarly Brexit could mean itll be more expensive to buy a BMW when they could easily say EU ruling may not affect British motorsport or Brexit may make no difference to the price of imported cars . In this case the issue has already been identified and action planned to correct it.
Strong feeling here, rightly so, but for what it's worth I can't see this happening at all for some of the reasons already posted. So, instead of posting indignant messages here, who's going to write to their MP to make their views known and ask them to do all they can in their power to prevent this from coming to pass? I bet I can count the answer on one hand, the one with three fingers and a thumb missing
Whats the point Hoops - You really think they would listen Even using your vote makes no odds now - the parties are all but the same and even when they do ask our opinon if they don't get the answer they want then they ignore it.....
Like many 'representatives' these days they represent only the views of themselves or those who pay......
With regards to 'indignant responses' I don't suppose the original poster thought it was going to generate many positive ones did they
Totally agree with your first paragraph JT Way off topic, but perhaps this explains the shock to politics this year (Brexit (god I hate that word), Trump). Some years back when the EU threatened to introduce more bike related nonsense laws - I forget the specifics - I did write to my MP and was impressed with the response. I got a holding reply saying he was making enquiries, then a full reply from him and a several page response from the DfT, and it wasn't a copy and paste document, it addressed the points I specifically raised. Did it make a difference? I dunno, but the law wasn't passed either at all or in was watered down - I have the mails archived somewhere but it's a chore to dig them out at this time of year! That said, I wrote to three other politicians and two failed to respond at all.
Indignant responses - you're right I was trying to make the point that posts on forums make no difference at all in circumstances like this, so this energy may be better directed elsewhere. I'm convinced politicians rely on apathy to get so much done - look at the Snooper's Charter for example and who can access your phone/telephone/medical records after 31.12.16 (that's a different debate to be had in another place!).
Anyway, it's Christmas, I'm off work and looking forward to enjoying the break, so I'll take this opportunity to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy - and hopefully not motorsport free - new year.