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I am NOT slagging off the Stalwarts on the top table..who if it were not for them there would not be a Dtrf meeting or F### all else in my opinion..

300 plus members,where the F### are you all..?

In my opinion there is probably less than a 100 active members on the forum who post things,either for sale,discuse things and such like.

loads of ppl view this and that but dont say nowt,occasionaly i stick my head up and see who pops back,but hay who cares..

Slag me off if you want.i dont least it would get you talking/discussing...

Speak to me at the meeting...YES  you know the one at THE DOLPHIN HOTEL.. Bovey Tracey...Second Tuesday of the month..

Now to the bit i want to say.


Speaking to another member the other day,who is a Strf member,

He said they get mostly 50 plus each monthly meeting,it is all very informal and nothing gets done much,it is just a yap yap yap,curry night or something different,

( Are they more bike oriented,friendly,out going club,)

all there posts are filled and they have no problems,

Members sell more stuff,tyres and bike bits,all funded from the power of Strf buying power,

I think he said once a quarter they have a proper meeting,where things get disscused properly,


Our meetings are attended by the same core of 10/15 + each time,Where are the rest of you..?...Excuses please OR YOUR..I CANT COME BECAUSE OFF....

Its not like it starts early,8 is just the right time,

At our meeting it is very formal,every thing is disscused and properly minited....IS IT TOO FORMAL/REGIMENTED....

Attendedes,me included,just sit there and nod,grunt,( not all )and keep our heads down or get told off by the headman for giggling...

and when the top table ask,s for help we bury our head in the sand,

but then again the same ppl attend every meeting so the same heads bury down into the same sand each time..

Thats it really,,,

shoot me down,slag me off who cares,if i have stired up a hornets nest lets have it,

My excuse is,

i am not computer literate or know how to do much on them,brain is not good enough for holding info or dispatching info.

Your input would be most appreciated on this thread or come to the meeting on the second Tuesday of the month too discuss..



-- Edited by crumbles on Tuesday 2nd of January 2018 06:50:10 PM


Clubman A

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Bovey Tracey is at least a 3 hour round trip (over Dartmoor) from here in North Devon, this might be true for a lot of our membership?



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Maybe the meeting could move around the regions a little to make it more accessible.
It's an hour each way for me.

How about live streaming them with a live chat session..biggrinwink



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It,s about 45 each way for me but i still go...
so an hour is not that bad,it,s just once a month,not every week,
or put your self out every other month,
The top table ppl wont be there for ever and some were wanting to step back but didnt...

101 Viewings and only 2 ppl commented....says it all..

-- Edited by crumbles on Tuesday 2nd of January 2018 05:17:26 PM



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Mike, they are probably just out riding our lanes, lots of members hate meetings. They pay there money so contribute to the cause which is fair enough. I do my bit but most of the admin tasks are a pain in the butt but luckily we have some who do that little bit more !!
If you want to make a difference take a seat at the front mate !!


Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!


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I would love to,
but a computer skill is like an abbacus to me,no idea exept very simple tasks,
I cant even get my head around view ranger to make routes up,so what chance on other stuff..
Memory is poor so no chance on remmebering things or anything complicated..
Can you do every thing on 10 inch android tablet,?
it says its memory is full now and no idea..



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So what are you saying Crumbles..., you'd like more people to attend the meetings, to volunteer to help, and to stand for the unfilled positions?

Sounds great, I can't believe no one ever thought of that before. biggrin

If only it were that simple ey, still... top marks for trying.wink



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Just trying to get help,
the top table isnt going to be there for ever..


To show how much ppl,take in or read the post correctly...i was pm'd to say...


Which i have ammended..

-- Edited by crumbles on Tuesday 2nd of January 2018 07:07:36 PM

-- Edited by crumbles on Tuesday 2nd of January 2018 07:08:17 PM



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I know where your coming from and appreciate the thread on rallying the troops, responses/replies will be low i'm afraid much the same as the monthly meetings 

The hardest practice in the world is to try and engage people into helping with a hobby, activity you share even if it does mean the possible demise of some aspects of that shared hobby, there have been many suggestions to change the format/location of such meetings, but fail through lack of commitment or follow through wink

Other groups are pushing ahead with simple sustainable ideas to keep numbers interested, they do need a lead up person/s to take things to the next level 

Your best form of progress would be to propose ideas at the next meet (i might even turn up to witness such a deed been delivered) 

All the best mate Ian 


'He who dares wins'

trf member ;-)  qy100112bw

Clubman B

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Mr Crumbles,
I read your post with interest, The reason I don't attend meetings? thats my business, excuses? I don't feel the need to provide any. I will attend when I can, reasons? again my business. As Doug says I pay my dues and that is how I contribute, fortunately that is allowed.
I don't find your comments helpful or inspiring.

There were no goats hurt in this accident


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An outsiders view, (I am not a current member of the TRF), with a historical slant to put this thread into perspective

Once upon a time there were a half a dozen, then a dozen people who got together once a month to talk about the rides they had been on, and the rides they planned. People saw they were having fun and others joined them. A couple of dozen people grew into a few dozen and then a social meeting became more formal out of necessity. The group out grew the welcome at the Welcome Stranger and relocated to the Dolphin where a large free meeting room is provided by a landlord who knows most attendees buy a drink and a few even eat before hand.

The faces on the top table have changed so many times over the years I lose track, or that might just be the years...

Something that never changes is the number of people who want more out of it than they are prepared to put in. More want to ride than lead. More want an event than are prepared to organise. Plenty of ideas but far fewer volunteers. Everyone prefers to let someone else do the work they think ought to be done and requests for volunteers often fall on deaf ears. Sometimes it is only when someone sets a deadline and makes it clear they will walk at that time whether or not a volunteer is forthcoming that hands are raised. This is typical of all groups, not just trail riders.

With such a large membership it is inevitable that not everybody will be happy about everything, but better to celebrate diversity than moan.

There have been times when the cohesion of the Devon group has fragmented and with such a large county it is understandable that not everybody can get to every meeting. There is a social event monthly in East Devon for those who don't want or can't get to the Dolphin. The Tamar valley trail riders came about partly from geographical necessity and partly from personality clashes. The South Devon Trail Riders evolved from a personality clash severe enough to cause all of the top table to resign and the resulting Emergency General Meeting squashed more people upstairs in the Dolphin than I have ever seen, and the group emerged stronger than ever.

Crumbles frustration at the same faces being left to do the donkey work is understandable and if I had something better than the current set up to propose than I may feel it worth while criticising the status quo, but I don't. Historically new members were once upon a time expected to have lead at least one ride by the time they had been a member for a year, but not every one has the skill set needed and it is wrong to push people outside of their comfort zone in the name of fairness.

I was tempted once when only half a dozen out of over 300 turned up to invoke the rule permitting the group to wind itself up and split the groups funds between them providing a majority of those present agree to do so, but that would have been as greedy as cheeky, and the snow was very bad so those not present had an excuse.

I am surprised how many people join the TRF and pay their subs but never attend meetings, or go on rides, but they must be happy to do so in the knowledge that they have made a contribution to a cause they feel worth while in the only way they know how

I do know that if someone wants to change things they can. Make a proposal to any top table member and it will go onto the agenda and those who feel strongly enough about their local TRF to actually turn up to it's monthly meeting can vote on it after it has been tabled and people have had their say. The group is democratic and it is what you make of it, like it or not....


Clubman B

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I accept most of what you say Pete. Not long ago there was a push for people to offer to lead rides, I offered a couple of times and got no response, no problem. Lane clearing, I have not been in a position to offer much support but did offer my services and a chain saw only to be told we didn't have the correct insurance, then pics were posted with chain saws in them. My mindset is I am not going to manually struggle to clear a lane when there is machinery specifically made to make the job easier.
I acknowledge there is a hard core of lane clearers and their efforts are applauded, perhaps if more chainsaws were allowed, more people would offer to help? I certainly would. :)

There were no goats hurt in this accident

Clubman A

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It's a great initiative Mike and one that, for some reason or another, seems to stump us.

It's hard to compare DTRF to STRF though, we operate completely different to them, it's mainly down to their smaller network of lanes and because of this STRF have developed their unique forest ride events which not only raise money for the TRF but they also help towards STRF members away trips. It's a great way to run a club and works really well for them.

We are fortunate because we have a great network of lanes to ride but also the opportunity to get involved in being able to help preserve this network, so our focus is very different to STRF, but best of all, as a group we have an amazing core group of members who do some outstanding work on Devon lanes, witness the recent work done on 202-144

There always appear to be ride outs going on and at the end of the day that's what it's all about smile

Cheers John


was it turn left or was it right...ahhhhh


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Kleenex wrote:

I accept most of what you say Pete. Not long ago there was a push for people to offer to lead rides, I offered a couple of times and got no response, no problem. Lane clearing, I have not been in a position to offer much support but did offer my services and a chain saw only to be told we didn't have the correct insurance, then pics were posted with chain saws in them. My mindset is I am not going to manually struggle to clear a lane when there is machinery specifically made to make the job easier.
I acknowledge there is a hard core of lane clearers and their efforts are applauded, perhaps if more chainsaws were allowed, more people would offer to help? I certainly would. :)

 DTRFG has been at the fore front of collaboration with the County Council recently with members attending training courses and being awarded certificates enabling compliance with stringent insurance requirements for mechanical lane clearance tools. I suggest you enquire about forthcoming training opportunities because most courses are put on when a need for them is perceived.

The group has come a long way since the lady living at the end of 191-074 ran out of her farm house to try to stop a bunch of blokes taking hand tools out of  a car with the intention of clearing a way through her nature reserve, only to be told that we were volunteers helping the cash strapped council perform it's duty, and that yes she could phone the council to try to stop us, but that she really ought to know before hand that the tools were provided to us by the council............(I enjoyed that moment and the look on her face was priceless)


Clubman B

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If I am available put me on the next training list, however working abroad is not always conducive to being able to help when it is most needed, however my offer is genuine, I even have my own chainsaw :).

There were no goats hurt in this accident


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I wanted to provoke a disscusion on this,as more ppl will see it...

As there is no point raising it at a meeting,when it will only go around the same circle of ppl who attend each month..

When the person on my right or left says to me...what do you think of this..
Hay presto,full circle and it never left the building...

7 Different ppl responded out of 268 views...

-- Edited by crumbles on Tuesday 2nd of January 2018 10:41:59 PM


Clubman B

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I would like to get more involved in helping out but don't really know how to i really struggle To get to the monthly meeting as I work all around the country so I.m not often local enough to eery attend.
I don't always know about lane clearing and things until after they have happened I have volunteered on one that I have found out about but was already sorted by the time I had a response.


Clubman A

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I think its important to remember that although they may not often/ever have a presence at meetings, DTRF has a lot of guys spending their free time planning and leading rides, and clearing lanes.

I totally understand your frustration Crumbles, but there is a tone of accusation in your posts that these guys really don't deserve, im sure many/most can barely afford that time they contribute, usually to help other members they either know little, not at all, or in the case of lane clearing may never even meet

-- Edited by Albert on Tuesday 2nd of January 2018 11:31:59 PM


Clubman B

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Posts: 442

There are politer ways to encourage discussion, nobody has to provoke anything, as far as I can see, the people who have responded have a history of dialogue on the forum on a number of different subjects, your provocation has apparently achieved little so far if your goal was to encourage non participating users/writers to discuss subjects you mentioned.

Maybe a more conciliatory tone would be better? who knows. I do know however that the people I have met and interacted with within the DTRF are a bunch of nice people who like riding bikes. I have never in person had or witnessed any bad feeling or provocation, if anything there is mostly a good feeling of brother/sisterhood and I like it.

There were no goats hurt in this accident


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i am just saying what i am thinking,
it is my view on what i see,


Clubman B

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Ive read this post with interest as I must say that due to my own reasons I have never gone to a meeting (my reasons are mine and not worth or need explaining)

However Ive read a couple of points that I feel would be worth addressing.

I work in a field that holds and conducts a number of meetings and in my professional opinion why would anyone look to attend a formal meeting when they have no idea what the meeting is about? In the time Ive paid into the TRF Ive never seen a meeting agenda & ive also never seen notes, minutes or actions from any of these formal meetings. This in itself will stop a lot of people attending as they dont know what they are there for. If its just a social couple of drinks and bike chat say that if its a formal meeting with points to raise stick them out to all members in a agenda let people review and comment on both the agenda and notes/minutes this will In turn give people how cant attend have a view and voice there opinion

As a group we have some great lanes and I see people out on them a lot, Ive witnessed a number of people offer rude outs with no response only to see people out and about. I am one of these people and Id be happy to lead anyone if Im out and they need someone to ride with

Ive seen and witnessed people discussing bikes on this forum saying that they are a poor choice and not a trail bike. this again stops people wanting to get involved as they may feel judged. Bike choice is just that choice just because I ride a full enduro bike dosnt make me a d**k rider just out to ride where ever I like.

On the whole the people Ive meet while riding have been nice and the Poeple I now ride with regularly are nice plesnet people all of which would be happy to help someone they have meeet or know if they were in need.

Im not out to judge just my thoughts



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"In the time Ive paid into the TRF Ive never seen a meeting agenda & ive also never seen notes, minutes or actions from any of these formal meetings"

strange?, as the monthly newsletter has the minutes of the meetings and other info, which should be emailed to all DTRF members (with email address).


Clubman B

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Posts: 428

philllowe wrote:

"In the time Ive paid into the TRF Ive never seen a meeting agenda & ive also never seen notes, minutes or actions from any of these formal meetings"

strange?, as the monthly newsletter has the minutes of the meetings and other info, which should be emailed to all DTRF members (with email address).

 Apologies I dont read the newsletter.. on reflection Ive now read this last months and indeed some statement paragraphs are shown.  so can I ask whats on the agenda for next month? And what are the actions from this month?

Im not being argumentative just stating what I see. I will make the effort to read the newsletter more often.  


Clubman B

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Posts: 231

The DTRF is a big group and we members seem to rely on the very small committee to keep us going as the Group. The Committee cannot go on forever and really would welcome other members to contribute, help out and consolidate the DTRF. Many hands and all that. I'm an indian, not a chief but I am always happy to help out locally.


I get confused after the word "simply.." AIDS Education through Cricket

Clubman B

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Posts: 435

When I joined I openly said I am elf employed and have a young family so attending meetings would be hard but I would try.
I didn't know anyone within the DTRF at the time so I was keen to try and get to know the group.
As time went by I met a few of you guys and was warmly welcomed on some rides, had great fun and have made friends I hope will be longstanding. So I went to some ride days and tried to engage with more of you.
It was hard work.
I met a few of the 'old guard' who have been far less welcoming, they have openly & repeatedly slated everyone who has a water cooled bike - especially an orange one, god forbid a 2 Stroke ! look down on GPS and people who don't use old paper maps or know every lane off by heart (everyone starts somewhere for christ sake) - and just generally moan and bicker, I like many others simply don't want to spend my time with people who seem to be on the lookout for a good moan.

I tried to join some of you on other rides but it sometimes seems a very closed shop, there seems to be several small 'clicks' which isn't welcoming to new members

I have posted up rides many times and although the response is low I have led quite a few and met some new riders - who have said the same thing, they were really pleased to have a new (ish) guy leading as some of the other rides had been 10 minutes riding and half an hour moaning.

So maybe if you want to encourage more active members then the whole structure needs to change and be more like the STRF with more friendly 'social' meetings where we can get to know each other - its difficult to deal with strangers especially if there seems to be an established closed group.

I know this actually means more work for the committee in the short term but I think it would pay dividends in the long run - So how about a few more ride days ? maybe also have some ride instruction available for new members ? what about women friendly rides as they are out there ? and YOUNG riders - whats the average age at the moment 55+ ? try a more social approach to the meetings ? a curry night might be a bloody good idea, move the meeting occasionally to accommodate riders further north ?

There are many ways to try and encourage member participation - another post moaning and slagging people off won't attract new blood. I flit in and out of the forum and there is always an argument going on somewhere

there is my honest 2P worth



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I cant go any where near the Dolphin pub Im a recovering alcoholic, sorry guys


Another customer finds himself £20 better off at Teign Tyres and

Clubman B

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Posts: 275

Kleenex wrote:

There are politer ways to encourage discussion, nobody has to provoke anything, as far as I can see, the people who have responded have a history of dialogue on the forum on a number of different subjects, your provocation has apparently achieved little so far if your goal was to encourage non participating users/writers to discuss subjects you mentioned.

Maybe a more conciliatory tone would be better? who knows. I do know however that the people I have met and interacted with within the DTRF are a bunch of nice people who like riding bikes. I have never in person had or witnessed any bad feeling or provocation, if anything there is mostly a good feeling of brother/sisterhood and I like it.

 Here Here.  Happy new year everyone smile


If you don't fall off

your not trying hard enough

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