Looking through the 'Wacky' archives last Autumn I sent John this photo on 23/11/24, he was delighted with the memory and more importantly knew where the lane was along with its location & number
Spot on John!
You can put a face to the name now guys, get well soon John
Photo -
Ha! That must have been C-143 coming off Five Lanes near Buckfastleigh. The overlay comments says: "Cleared by TRF Feb 2013, deliberately blocked again almost immediately." Well, at least we tried
Thanks for the memory
-- Edited by wackyracer on Friday 14th of February 2025 08:56:40 AM
I'm here, back home, back online ready to receive run sheets/track logs again. That said, I am presently very low on energy so can realistically only devote a few minutes per session but that should increase in time.
I did receive a few when first admitted to hospital and fully expected to process them when discharged as it was supposed to be a simple day surgery procedure but it went wrong and lasted a month all bar the four days I spent at home following what turned out to having been discharged prematurely.
So can I ask that anyone who sent me a run sheet/track log since, say, mid January, resend them please - especially if you haven't receive my usual 'Thanks' replay. I have processes in place to automatically spot duplicates. Those who have been holding them for my return can please start sending them again.
Anyone else who doesn't usually submit them then please do and the address is johnleah@blueyonder.co.uk
I've yet to check the status of the overlays as I recall being in the process of updating them but, if any current member wants them, just send an e-mail to the same address and I'll see what I can do.
Wacky: Thanks for the memory. I recall there was a large group of us all tooled up to clear that lane and it took a lot of effort for us to do it. Sadly, the farmer immediately blocked it again. Maybe we need to celebrate the twelfth anniversary this month with a return visit? Not sure about 'putting a face to the name' would work right now as I've lost over 20 kg in the past few weeks. Who knew a gallbladder weighed so much?
In closing I'd just like to thank all for the encouraging messages and the lovely 'Get Well Soon' card from DTRF that all lifted my spirits.
Great to see you are home and recovering well ready to be the next Model for the TRF magazine photo shoot! Are you sure you havent been to one of those exclusive retreats like the Hollywood stars as thats alot of weight to shed in a short amount of time?
-- Edited by Mike Wright on Monday 24th of February 2025 08:35:10 PM
I am mightily relieved to hear that you are home and recovering John !
Scott gave me some of the story and I was not sure what the next report might tell us.
If there were a way to donate a few kilo's of body weight, I would be delighted to make the transfer (-;